
While I agree that people shouldn’t be using mental health problems as an excuse to not pay their rent while spending all kinds of money on other stuff, I can kind of see why she ignored your suggestions about her diet. It’s absolutely none of your business what she eats, and recipes that people post on a social media

I don’t think anybody was claiming that the preparation method wasn’t food safe or something. I think the issue is that people are paying $8 for what is essentially a frozen dinner. You could buy a box of Stouffer’s Mac and Cheese for $3 and heat it in a microwave. Or an oven, which would at least get you that browned

Not only will it not prove much, it proves nothing. It’s meaningless anecdata.

That’d work, although they do have oil sprayers that work ok with oil. I have one for my air fryer. Although since beef tallow is semi solid at room temp, it probably would clog any sprayer.

I wonder if you could melt a little beef tallow and spray it on your fries for the air fryer.

You don’t owe them a tip. What you’re describing is basically a McDonald’s, and you wouldn’t tip there. If you’re feeling generous, you can toss a buck or two into the jar, but I doubt they actually reasonably expect every patron to do this.

Provided he’s still tipping the waiter at least 15-20%, I completely understand this logic. I tip delivery people at the same rate that I tip waitstaff, usually about 20%, and if it’s raining or something, I’ll usually give the delivery person a couple extra bucks. They are after all driving to your home, usually in

Someone like AOC is not electable in Kentucky. I’m as left as they come but some of us also have to confront reality, at least occasionally.

Sure, but if you’re splitting the cost with those three householders, assuming they’re adults, you’re already getting all the benefits of Prime while paying considerably less for it.

I too have never actually experienced one in the wild. Maybe because everybody I hang out with would find that level of flag waving obnoxious. But someone must be making these things right? Food blogs and cooking columns must be getting enough hits on these things to justify publishing them year after year.

Oh god, the flag cake. It even comes from places you least expect and places that should know better. The New York Times featured a flag cake in their latest NYT Cooking email. I’m fully expecting for Bernie Sanders to email me today with his personal flag cake recipe.

Precisely. While nobody can deny that affluent white lgbt people may not share ALL the struggles that poor/poc lgbt people do, people who hate lgbt people hate all of them. There are random hate crimes committed against lgbt people, and the perpetrators don’t stop and ask about the victim’s bank account first.

I like tomatoes, but quite often I end up picking them off a sandwich ordered at a fast food place, because many of them choose to use tasteless, unripened tomatoes in order to cut down on food waste and save money. On those occasions, the tomato adds no appreciable value to the sandwich at all. So I can kind of see

I’ve never lived in NYC and never will, so there’s another stereotype, you heard the phrase “New Yorker” and assumed it meant NYC. I guess it’s human nature. ;)

People on SNAP can already buy all the spray cheese, beef jerky, and stuffed olives that their benefits will allow. The issue at hand here is what stores can accept SNAP benefits. Under the Obama rules they had to sell at least seven kinds of staple food items, from a list of pre-approved staple foods. This helps with

One thing I’ve noticed as a former New Yorker who moved to North Carolina is that southerners are constantly trying to claim credit for inventing things that are just generally American. The other day one tried to claim Jell-O “salads” were a “southern thing”, which is utter nonsense. I grew up in New York state, and

Right. So the answer there is not “stop calling people shy”, it’s to simply accept that some people are without making a value judgement about it.

I have to admit, I am a complete Duke’s convert. I grew up in the northeast, and I thought all mayo was the same, to the point where I used to buy the store brand more often than not. Then I moved to North Carolina, where everyone talked about Duke’s mayo, and nobody buys anything else. But I rolled my eyes, figuring

It is possible that Emily has money issues, and doesn’t feel she can be as “adventurous” as her friends, especially if that would mean dropping $30+ dollars on a meal that she may not like. Just something to consider.