
She didn’t “come up” with the solution, she remembered what the solution was from last time. You don’t have to be a scientist to have a good memory or be able to think clearly under pressure.

You do understand that the way laws change in the USA is by voting for things in Congress right? Because otherwise your posts just sound like illogical goalpost moving. “Democrats won’t change the law! Oh they did try? Well, they must not have meant it then”. I get it, someone told you at some point that “both

Ah, I see. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

The ‘gyp’ one actually wasn’t too obvious to me, because I grew up with people in my family saying the word, and I thought it was spelled ‘jip’, so of course, I made no connection to ‘gypsy’ in my brain. And honestly, even if I had, at that time I had no knowledge of the Romani people or their history. Then about

Leaving aside the fact that the article explained that it means “cheated or swindled”, making those words the obvious replacements, I would much rather sound like a 19th century prospector than a racist. If that’s the choice you feel you must make, why wouldn’t you choose the first one?

Yes, I was just going to point out that if you’re searching for coloring pages with kid standing by, you’ll want to make sure SafeSearch is ON.

It works much better with the powder, even for brown haired people. Me and my friends used to dye our hair this way in the late 90s, and the powder was all we had back then. You make a sort of paste with just a little bit of water and then apply like you would regular hair dye.

I tip 20% as my baseline. If the server is extraordinarily great, I’ll go 25%. I thought 15% was ok like 15 years ago but was considered kind of stingy now.

It’s pretty clear that this is a deliberate story choice, not just a “we’ve made the cops inept so that the hero can shine” choice. The police in Freeland are deliberately being portrayed as ineffective and corrupt. Jefferson’s police friend Henderson (jury is still out on whether he’s part of the corruption) stated

It’s weird that you seem to not understand that if people have to choose between definitely not being able to afford to feed or shelter themselves or their children and maybe giving the flu to some theoretical stranger, they’re going to pick the former. I’m guessing you’re not in the U.S., but that’s a choice some

Just a note that on some of the newer Instant Pot models the ‘Manual’ button has been replaced by a ‘Pressure Cook’ button (it’s also in a slightly different location). It has the exact same function though. My sister got one of the new ones and was really confused because both the user manual and most of the

Surprised I didn’t see grated Parmesan on here. My mom always made it that way for us as kids and I still like it. You can use the cheap fake stuff from the green can or the real thing. Put the popcorn and cheese in any large container with a lid, just be sure it has enough room to really move around, and then shake

In Jersey, it’s probably fine, since people working at gas stations there consider it a part of their normal duties and hopefully are paid accordingly. But if you are visiting a state where this is not the norm, like Minnesota or any other state, you certainly should tip the attendant if you are asking them to fill

This looks amazing. I’ve always wanted to try the sandwich, but I’m way too lazy and scared of deep frying things to make them, so I’m definitely going to try this.

Lapsed Catholic here, but Catholicism is almost like Judaism, in that it’s almost an ethnic group rather than a religion. People are “born into” Catholicism. Even if they grow up in a family that doesn’t regularly attend church they still consider themselves Catholic. A lot of Catholics have this experience. So they

If you are skittish about dropping a raw egg into simmering water, relax, it’s not as hard as it’s cracked up to be.

The issue is that the vast majority of gay porn has the performers wearing condoms. So for that reason, they’re less assiduous about the testing. Although that still seems like a bad choice to make, to me. Condoms are effective at preventing STDs and HIV when used properly, but performers should be able to make

I’m pretty sure his rationale was right in the scene. He looked at the picture of he and Iris and realized that becoming a fugitive would end any chance of having a life with her. Facing the justice system at least gives him a chance of prevailing and clearing his name.

I mean, I certainly don’t advocate an adult enacting any sort of violence on a child, but the rest of what you said is bullshit. It’s usually really obvious which side is the victim and which is the instigator in bullying incidents. Plain facts, some people teach their children to be assholes to other kids. They let

Yeah that’s crazy that they cost so much more where you are. My nephew has a couple of the larger ones, but there’s no way they cost anything approaching $130 or my sister definitely would not have bought them. More like $40.