
Yes, that's generally how things work. People will not notice a show's weaknesses until an egregious example presents itself. Did you have a point beyond that?

Speaking as a fan of Shameless, the problem wasn't so much that they wrote Mickey off, as the way they did it. As was pointed out, while the exact details of why Noel Fisher left the show are unclear, he did leave, so writing him out was unavoidable. But the way they did it just felt incredibly dismissive of the

Fair enough. For me specifically, a bisexual woman who watches The 100, I've been discussing the topic of dead lesbian and bisexual women almost non stop for like two weeks. Maybe I'm assuming that everyone has spent as much time on it as I have, which is obviously not the case. Also my issue wasn't so much that

I care about that as much as you do, believe me, but we can talk about more than one thing at a time. There are actually a multitude of issues affecting women on tv. This one isn't quite as serious, I grant you, but that doesn't mean we don't care about that just because we're spending five minutes on this.

I thought that episode was terrible start to finish. Fiona's continuing guy drama is just boring, and I don't see how we were ever supposed to be invested in Gus, a character that she barely knew. It was also hard to care about it since she neglected her family (including the children she's a legal guardian to) all

I thought her best scenes in this ep were actually with Mickey, who yeah is a man, but it's not romantic at all, it's just two people unexpectedly forced into a situation where they have to figure out how to work together. It's not a combo you'd ever expect but they have this kind of interesting dynamic with each

"Sober Frank is actually a pretty good guy."

I feel like this "over the top" complaint is coming from mostly people that have never witnessed or experienced a manic episode. As someone who has a bipolar parent, I can tell you that I thought the performance was spot on, sometimes uncomfortably so. People who are having a manic episode, especially if they are

I think there's a middle ground. Look, V needs to get her shit together. Apparently she was somehow ridiculously naive about what being a parent entails, but oh well. Too late now. Once you have them they're your responsibility. She needs to buckle the hell in and that's that.

Not to mention the risk of shaken baby syndrome. That was what made my heart catch in my throat during that moment. Maybe Yevgeny is a little old for that though.

It's odd because I completely agree with your JJS points (except that I predict we will finally see the back of JJS at the end of this season, and this time definitely for good) and your Frank points (he's a complete drag on the whole show; I wish they'd killed him off, but even reducing his screen time by a third

Oh believe me, I'm definitely not a fan of Lip's self-righteousness, and I don't think she's a flake, it's not like she never makes good decisions, I mean she raised five kids from the time she was like 6 so, she's actually a very competent person, obviously. But I think she actually can get something out of NA

Eh. I think there's something to Sean's assessment of her as a "chaos junkie". If you look back on the show I think you can make a real case for it.

Agreed. And really, this is the only way to go. If Mickey tried to get rid of him against her wishes, she'd just cling to him even harder. At least this way Mickey can keep an eye on the situation. But I feel like if at any point she actually said to him, "Hey I've had enough of this shit, please get this guy off my

Wasn't she the head of the IT department? And isn't QC supposed to represent what would be a fortune 500/blue chip stock company (at least before multiple terrorist attacks/scandals drove it into the ground) in our universe? That's pretty amazing for someone in their early twenties. I think people are being slightly