
I guess it’s better than moving him to Dean of (Some Other School) and wiping his record a la the Priesthood. Right????? :\

His next demotion will be to RA in an all-girls dorm.

Couldn’t they at least have given the money to the victim, or to a related charity? As it is, Berkeley is docking his pay and keeping the money.

Oh come on, she’s nowhere near being a household name the way Melissa McCarthy became after Bridesmaids.

Who sent Daario Naharis to prison?

Oh honey. I want to give you a hug about this. I know you didn’t ask for advice, but I was in a similar situation and regret my course of action 15 years later.

My roommates like to a) use up the last of something I bought — mayo, cream cheese, soy sauce — and then b) “replace it” with the shitty low fat/low sodium version.

I’m sorry, but you can’t pay a millenial anything decent, because they’ll just spend it on artisinal mayonnaise, vinyl copies of 90s albums, rainbow flag bandannas, and marihuana cigarettes.

id agree, however i dont think the producers want to subject us to that voice for 2 months

Last night was definitely a crazy episode. Although I wasn’t a huge fan of Caila, I assumed Jojo would be the next out and LB and Caila would be the two “I love you”s that they teased last week.

I want Jubilee so bad! I don’t like Caila at all

When she said “I was ready to be his wife”, I knew for sure she secured her ticket to bachelorettedom. I’m a huge Caila hater and am not looking forward to it. She seems so vapid. I have to fast foward through her dates.

This photo does have a reallll Sister Wives vibe to it

So this isn’t JonBenet then...

He just really liked shades and moving his head back and forth. It is your fault if you made an assumption.

Fuck that guy, fuck his dumb religion and every other assface who pulls this shit. No one has to respect your weird, misogynistic hangups, assbag. Ugh, this pisses me off so bad.

This is like being on a diet, then going to a Cinnabon then demanding they make you a salad because you’re on a diet. If your PERSONAL life choices prevent you from doing certain things, then you’re probably doing something wrong if you purposefully keep putting yourself in the middle of something you actively chose

In theory, sure. Unfortunately, these charming gentlemen tend to throw huge tantrums whenever anyone suggests that their misogyny should inconvenience them instead of every woman they come into contact with, and the airline appears to think that discriminating against women to accommodate them is a reasonable solution

It amazes me that a country that had female combat soldiers for so many years has a significant population with this kind of attitude. The older I get, the less tolerant I am of using religion to justify bigotry, misogyny, or neurosis.