
to assume otherwise infantilizes a 38-year-old man

And given current trends, the future of basically every desirable location in the world.

I feel like nobody is going to be able to weather the coming shit storm when these manbabies hit 45, the tech bubble bursts again, and they turn into unemployable, broken, alcoholic hoboes. Who will write the millennial Death of a Salesman?

I lived in SF from age 24 to age 44. Here’s what no one who still lives there wants to admit: our once-beloved city now belongs very frimly to the Justin Kellers of the world. SF is their city now, and there’s no going back, no saving it. The damage is done. SF is coasting on its amazing history, but this is its

Why is it rude? Did I miss the memo when backstage became a sanctuary for people to act assholes without consequences?

um according to your friends over at Deadspin it was a hoax.

Completely agree. Also, she must not have liked that tweet about his personal debt, when she’s been talkibg about diamond chokers as push presents.

Am I supposed to feel sorry for his friend? I make only slightly more than that in a week.

Is Kanye West hyper bi-polar? He seems at least manic.

Have sex with a skinny blonde chick at will because she owes him for his professional help (which she doesn’t but that doesn’t change the sentiment behind it).

Depressing things I’ve learned from the Jezebel comments today:

When he interrupted her on stage, her most recent album at the time had already sold more than twice as many copies as Kanye’s highest-selling album ever.

I’m not a fan of either, but at least Swift isn’t soliciting me for prayers and Mark Zuckerberg for money.

I’m no Swift fan, but standing up for yourself when some horrible (married) guy publicly says that they think they’ll fuck you AND that they’re the real reason you made it AND that you’re a bitch?

The Zuckerberg tweet was especially great because it wasn’t even his birthday. Learning that made it 10 times more bizarre.

Maybe. But I’m on Swift’s side. I know she’s a vanilla white girl we all roll our eyes over, but she’s one of many women who have to put up with this shit from men looking for cheap plugs.

I know it’s not cool on here to like taylor, but damn clover did she kill your dog or something? You are salty as fuck.

Kanye is having a neurotic breakdown, right? Like, he needs to be hospitalized?

Maybe Anna Wintour will be inspired by this to grow a pair of ovaries and tell Yeezy he has no talent for fashion design.