
So the "The Fraternity and Sorority Political Action Committee" is the "frat lobby"?

"...odds are he'll end up running the joint."

"Even after controlling for age, race, marital status and children in the home..."

Most of us are familiar w/the Harvard study-group story, I think — but that's got zero to do w/the question of whether he bought into a certain Ivy look or aesthetic. (It does, however, partly explain why I called Cruz "insufferable".)

I dunno - not every kid who goes to Princeton/Harvard opts to buy into the old-line clothes aesthetic. Especially one whose parents seem to have fought their way up from close-to-nothing.

"Almost any non-idiot woman or ethnic minority would have saved that clown."

You're trying to win the "My Most Over-the-Top Meltdown" award in back-to-back weeks, right?

And sometimes they even tackle challenging subjects.

Missed point. The reference was to the old West Coast 'hood style of doing up only the top button.

"not button their shirts up properly..."

The implication that cops are buying their kids BMWs was a little eye-catching.

That headline was never gonna read, "Actress told 'You're not ethnic enough!'", was it?

"Daddy must be a cop. Get back in your BMW "

The "hot hand" literature - to give its proper name - is pretty extensive.

"Lynn Hirschberg's proto-clickbaity Times profile"

God, I hope Sgt Hulka becomes a feminist icon.

As a general rule, any prominent tennis player who pushes the existing envelope on on-court behavior has dealt with considerable hostility from contemporary tennis fans.

Given the context, nothing could be more appropriate.

"our society devalues the work that women tend to do..."

Yes! Prices for would-be "high tech" stuff back then were insane.