No shit. Momma needs to pay the property tax on her new car.
No shit. Momma needs to pay the property tax on her new car.
Bullshit. I had a heartbeat at 8 weeks and then the fetus died at 11 weeks and I had a miscarriage. I was bummed for a bit, and then went snowboarding. I didn’t even see it when it came out. Just lots of clots, one of which *might* have been the fetus.
For some, religion is inextricably entwined with ethics.
Good comeback is, “Oh, really? What took you so fuckin’ long, then? You lose. I win. Later.”
Even more egregious is when you do grow a spine and say your own variation of “Don’t fuckin’ talk to me like that”, often the abuser (in this case, the CEO) will get indignant and spout off with some version of HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME THAT WAY, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?
I’m in the same boat but slightly different. I take BC pills continuously because screw that stupid “chemical bleed once a month” thing that some women need for “reassurance”. I take pregnancy tests every few months just to be sure, but I’m damn sure I wouldn’t know I was pregnant before the six week mark.
Because someone being wandfucked doesn’t fit into the low-information folks who think all ultrasounds are on a gigantic rounded belly, with Mother smiling contentedly on.
So the old, “If I can’t have it, nobody can?” scenario.
Their lawyers also tried to discredit her by pointing to provocative posts on social media.
*cough Fields of Gold cough*
Well, fuck him. HOpefully instructions are unclear and his dick gets stuck in a ceiling fan. Clearly you deserved better.
I’m so sorry. You won’t get over it, but in time, you will be able to get through it. We’re stronger than we ever know. Vent here if you need it, many hugs from a grey Jezebel stranger.
I was ungrayed in BCO, and I think I’m ungrayed in a few other places, but jezebel is where I’d like to not be anonymous for a change. :/
My husband is fucking appalled at this. He was appalled that Roe v. Wade actually had to be a thing at all. This makes him furious, not the least of which that another pregnancy could literally fucking kill me, on top of the four I’ve already had (all C-sections, I’m 46, blah blah blah). Haven’t gotten around to…
Can confirm. They are just as accurate as the 7-15 dollar ones.
Is it common for men to then be called a stuck-up bitch or to fuck off because they don’t want to rearrange their faces to please a stranger?
Hello, fellow transcriptionist. How many dashes to indicate incomplete words or sentence changes, and commas afterward? So, so many, when transcribing Trump. So many.
I have two kids that are naturally blond and blonde, blue eyed and green eyed, respectively, and one strawberry blonde kid with hazel eyes. She’s not nearly as fucking exclusive, special, rare, endangered, or important as she thinks. Signed, a brunette married to a redhead with no natural blond/blondes in the…
My car has paint different enough to qualify as two tone - matte on the hood, roof, and trunk, glossy elsewhere (392 SRT).
I just have to chime in here and say that I was incredibly disappointed when Hannibal was canceled because that show was an absolute feast for the eyes and the mind (disturbing content notwithstanding).