I don’t want to be revered.
I don’t want to be revered.
But, but, but I thought we were supposed to sit down and take notes when men are talking? Because obviously when men are talking, that’s the only kind of talking that’s important. Unless it’s about sexual assault, in which case, it’s really not important, but we need them to differentiate between “important men…
The response would be, “If you weren’t a dad or a husband, would it still upset you that women had to deal with this shit?”
I never understood how men have to frame their understanding of women’s issues in “I have a daughter/wife/mother”. Can you understand a concept without having ownership of it or some personal stake in it?
I went to a fetish ball on Sunday and there was a lady dancing with black feather wings. My appreciation extended only so far as I tried to edge past her and got stabbed in the shoulder, face, and tit with those wings.
If nothing else, popping into the local Dunkin’ Donuts in my Ren Faire garb is a chance to tell people about it, if they ask. Usually I just want my fucking coffee and doughnuts and to get the fuck out of there as fast as possible. (I also did SCA in earlier years, but we usually garbed up at camp, not beforehand.)
But...but...but... who cares if they want it? I want it!
If someone grabbed me by the pussy at a BDSM event, they’d get a swift slap followed by whoever is in the vicinity lighting them up for not respecting bodily autonomy. Folks in BDSM are all about boundaries and respect.
I’ve been to several BDSM events. The folks there tend to be FAR more respectful of your body and your space than the average jackass on the street.
A pic has been making the rounds of female pop stars grabbing their crotches and a caption that reads something like WULL THEY DO *THIS* BUT THEY’RE ALL OFFENDED BY DONALD?
They must stop the flailing...stop the flailing...it’s making my head hurt!
MisterDisco and I watched the debate at 0400 this morning and we were drunker than shit and he still said, “Why is he all up on her back like that? BACK UP ASSHOLE” and startled me because I was sleeping/passed out/both. Some men do recognize this as aggressive and intimidating behavior!
Unfortunately, the women I know who support Trump are like “Well, boys will be boys AND AT LEAST HE’S NOT HILLARY.”
I’m all about inappropriate questions, and terribly interested in the answers.
Dat chin tho
The Percocet I was given in the hospital after my last neck fusion was billed at, I shit you not, $29.00 per pill and they were giving me two at a time. The very same Percocet that I got a bottle of 90 for $10.00 at the pharmacy. It’s fucking insane.
I didn’t have skin-to-skin and didn’t see my son for nearly five hours after birth (traumatic emergency C-section, rare complication so don’t freak out :) )
They threatened to bill your entire surgery as cosmetic (and thereby not pay for it) because you were balking at the anesthesiology bill? WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK
I had something similar happen with a biopsy on my foot for suspected cancer.
They tried to tell me with my fourth that I couldn’t sleep with her in the bed.