Did you know Dr. Bronner’s also comes in a bar version in some of the scents?
Did you know Dr. Bronner’s also comes in a bar version in some of the scents?
We use them for...uh...mop up operations. Mopping up? Is that an acceptable way of saying it? (saves on Kleenex) But not in the shower, no. There are various exfoliating gloves, scrubby pouf things, and loofahs for that.
*waves hand frantically*
Fuck it, I wear scrunchies. No shame in my game. No one wants to borrow them either.
How watching rich men eat “the people’s food” in a bajillion dollar jet is supposed to sway me that they’re in line with my thinking is a dazzlingly stupid idea.
Trump is a rich white guy, and therein lies the difference. :(
Why would you stretch when you’re comfortable where you’re at? :-/
Not caring about a man’s boner is, to some, the most egregious error in existence.
Well, that just ruins my day! *flounces off in a huff*
Triggeredspo. Can I get a girl out of the grays? I loved being a “real” commenter in BCO and I hate that I’m just one of the faceless masses here.
Regular hair elastics just suck - too tight for a regular ponytail done 3x, too loose done 2x. Don’t hold a messy bun worth a shit. The very restrained scrunchies (in black, natch) are my spirit animal, if there is such a thing in the world of hair containment.
The ghost of UberTrout is going to show up and smack you in the face for that comment.
Starred for use of “ABOOHOO” and I’m stealing that term whether you like it or not. It’s got a certain panache that regular old “BOOHOO” doesn’t have.
I want my nurses to be as comfortable and happy as possible. That way they can concentrate on their job - me - and not be miserable about their feets and how uncomfortable they are. If that means wearing the currently in-vogue fashion of sneakers in outlandish rainbow clashy combinations, I’m all for it.
Honestly, most of the VS models look like very thin men with augmented breasts, hips, and buttocks. Subjectively speaking, of course.
I had a friend who was 5'2 and I am 5'8 and change. Every time we took a selfie, I’d crouch, otherwise my boob would be right in her face. We thought it was funny but honestly I never thought about looking hulking in those pics, just more about the aesthetic of my tit poking into my friend’s cheek. :(
No shit. My husband finds me very attractive. I’m sure other men think I’m an ugly trog and some may find me a supermodel? (hey, we’re theorizing here)
Bodies are amazing! Look at all the shit they do for us! Mine successfully created and housed and birthed four new people! And it takes me to the mall to spend money on makeup! And lets me watch shitty reality TV and then talk MisterDisco to death about it! Look at all the cool shit it does!
I get a ration of shit from my friends and family when I lose weight, when I gain weight, when I maintain weight. I’ve finally told off family and friends that I don’t want to hear fuck-all about my weight any more.