Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check.
Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check.
Of course they’ll blame the establishment media, even though the only reason this is now a national story is because leftists couldn’t stop from gleefully spreading this video as far and wide as possible. First I saw of it was some gleeful uber prog troll on Splinter acting like this video was the ultimate clap back…
Chelsea was there because she’s an assistant vice-provost at NYU and co-founder and co-chair of a multi-faith leadership group there. That group was involved in the vigil.
These two ladies suck. Chelsea Clinton - an unelected person with no real power or platform is responsible for the NZ mosque attack??
So we’re supposed to be mad at Chelsea Clinton why exactly? These students just went up to a stranger and blamed her for 49 deaths based on nothing, at best they are unbelievably rude.
Bernie Sanders supporters acting like assholes? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters being completely irrational about the Clintons? Check. Bernie Sanders supporters pulling the focus to themselves and making discussion about the actual issue nearly impossible? Check. How much do you want to bet at the planning meeting…
And they thought they could raise money for themselves off the publicity, Dweik’s got a Venmo up. Let me see them pull this kind of confrontation with Ivanka, who actually has a role in her fathers White House which Chelsea has never had, and then I’ll believe it isnt just a publicity stunt attacking someone who won’t …
These protesters were wearing Bernie shirts. To them the Clintons are guilty of everything under the sun.
Of course it doesn't. These protesters are a joke.