Damn, that interview was powerful. Barely held off tears listening to Khizr Khan.
Damn, that interview was powerful. Barely held off tears listening to Khizr Khan.
Stop looking back fondly at things! That’s how we got in to this mess!
Also, the co-worker called him “Dennis” in the first scene, and he is a freaking scary dead ringer for Rader. Still, for people who don’t follow true crime or serial killers that closely, I think the reviewer’s reveal of that was an unnecessary spoiler.
Me too!! I also liked the “Fly Like An Eagle” montage. I guess I’ll just never be as cool as Sean T. Collins.
This stupid fucking hipster-than-thou griping about the music is giving me rage-fits. I give up, unless or until someone else covers this show.
I honestly feel so spoiled right now. I obviously knew we’re watching a killer, but I had no idea who it was supposed to be, and was looking forward to the reveal. I know a wee bit about serial killers and BTK, but I hadn’t put it together or even thought that hard about it. The show is obviously waiting to reveal it…
Maybe a reviewer who understands text and subtext, doesnt need everything spelled out for him, warns about spoilers and DOESN’T GO ON ABOUT FUCKING MUSIC ALL THE TIME might be a better fit.
I looked up the actor playing Kemper because I really think he’s a standout performance and was so surprised to find that he looked like a giant teddy bear and goofy actor in real life. I really hope he gets all the credit for this performance.
what does black sound like?
wait, why do we hate Trainor? I mean in a world of things to hate she’s gotta be pretty benign
Maybe on the West coast, hippie! Here in the maritimes we have a little thing called ‘respect’.