Personally, I might trust some of these guys to do more of the thinking if they could spell their hate mail correctly.
Personally, I might trust some of these guys to do more of the thinking if they could spell their hate mail correctly.
Remember, though, that the Conservative wing isn’t AT ALL misogynist and the fact that Hillary lost in those traditionalist southern and midwestern states is JUST BECAUSE OF HER EMAILS.
Hands down, my favorite thing to shout when I encounter roadblocks in my plans.
If a moderate republican votes in Congress does it makes sound?
Those two killed me!!!
that segment on why cursing = intelligence is why I curse all the time now, lol!
I don’t see what the problem is. That’s how I prefer a sign off to read after I’ve been called a stupid cunt. Excuse me - kunt.
“Fuck you! Love, Joe.”
It means he hit on a female airline worker and she rejected him. And his teeny tiny pee-pee was sad.
You should stick to failed comedy attempts (aka grade school sarcasm) and leave the thinking to men.
Stewardesses handle nuts. Duh.
I just want to say thank you for your pieces on CBS Sunday Morning, or as I like to call it, My Church. I need to get the opening trumpet song as my ringtone. Praise!
I’m sorry that you have to put up with assholes such as these.
Even worse, to me, is that “one issue” the Bern-bots kept harping on about “Shillary” being in the “pocket” of Wall Street.
And that hurts me. If you thought Trump was a better choice than Hillary then fucccccc thee. We’re in a shit situation and HRC OR Bernie would have been much more preferable (even though yes, HRC is a corporate hack).
That’s missing the point by a mile. No one said the popular vote wins the presidency (what is it with straw men comments?).