
Coyotes and groundhogs don’t require a tag in rural Wyoming and he’s shooting them on privately owned land with the permission of the land owner. I recognize they are pest species, and we’ve lost cats to coyotes. I still think him saying “I just like to shoot ‘em” makes him an unsavory character. Apparently he does

Was the baby considered a more PR worthy accessory for this pair than rescued animals? I volunteer at a small no kill shelter and nothing upset me more than the dying cat dumped at our sbelter, presumably because the owner couldn’t handle watching the cat die.

This Jezebel classist asshole thinks rural America is best represented by Winter’s Bone. Thoughts?

Yeah, and the fact is that as much as I love Andy Dwyer, the Andy Dwyers of the world in real life have unfortunate downsides to their lovable buffoonery and Chris Pratt is demonstrating this pretty well.

I’d say most of the time hunting for sport still results in the hunted animal being eaten. I would certainly distinguish it from hunting exotic animals, or hunting animals and leaving the carcass in the woods to rot - that’s a gross practice that I’m not ok with.

If their pets shit all over the house, I can’t imagine what it looks like now that they have a baby.

But he actively admits he does not ever eat the animals he shoots. Someone in another thread dug up the quote where he says he just likes shooting animals, he won’t clean or eat them. I’m not a hunter, but a lot of my family members are, and I agree if you are hunting for food it is fine as long as you’re not letting

The idea that he can’t relate because it’s not about someone who reflects his experience is really telling about his level/lack of empathy. Like dude, movies about dudes can resonate with me, because I’m not so self-centered that I need to see myself in the protagonist every single time. But, that’s something women

Unless they are subsistence hunters who will literally starve to death unless they hunt, that is BS. eating what you kill to justify a lifestyle choice does not make it not a choice. At the end of the day they are causing pain to, and killing animals, for fun.

However this isn’t well meaning. If this came out of the mouth of Richard Spencer or Bill O’Reily then it would be seen rightfully for what it is. This is the same sentiment that circulated through Trump’s White Hate rallies. It’s the same thing that sparks a million non creative adjectives GR people of color on

It’d be nice if he started to get exposed to and started to understand some of what he’s missing.

AHHHH! I’m having second-hand embarrassment for you!!

I dunno. Seems qualified.

He hurts animals on purpose, for fun. That puts him in my Ted Nugent category. That’s a terrible, terrible category.

And people wonder why we can’t find the aliens. WE, AS A SPECIES, MADE TWO PAUL BLART MOVIES!!!! That alone guarantees us for not finding any highly evolved species in space goddamnit.

Chris Pratt is really into Jebus. Nothing wrong with that in itself, but it does explain some of his white guy cluelessness.

He hunts and is religious, from what I recall. So, uh, yeah.

“I don’t see personal stories that necessarily resonate with me, because they’re not my stories,”said Pratt, “I think there’s room for me to tell mine, and probably an audience that would be hungry for them. The voice of the average, blue-collar American isn’t necessarily represented in Hollywood.”

No films featuring the voice of the average blue-collar worker?????