
Yes! The Gold Award. There are also Silver and Bronze Awards for younger Scouts.

I am not American and have never heard of Sam Brownback.

I am going to start saving up now to buy 1,000 boxes of cookies from this troop next year.

Betsy isn’t going to budget enough for public schools to have any books.

This is next level Kinja, you have evolved. Congratulations! There is no prize unfortunately since Trump is President and we have to save for the apocalypse but here is a pat on the back. You do get a star though.

I imagine future Archaeologists will point to a layer of rock and say, “That is the Brownback Event.”

1. Declare as federal land

Fellow SC-Kansan here. Whether or not it is the written about settlement, this could be very cool. That area of Kansas is very pretty - rolling hills, nice croplands, small-town living with brick streets - but it is also fairly poor. Anything that would bring a few more people through would be beneficial.

My first thought. “Designate it a national landmark! (then write bill allowing drilling)


As a Kansan I am both laughing and crying at that statement

A Wichita State University professor is confident he’s found an enormous Native American settlement reportedly encountered by the Spaniards 400 years ago but often viewed with skepticism by historians since.

It’s Kansas so it could just as easily been a thriving metropolis 6 years ago before Sam Brownback was elected governor.

16th Century?

Mike Pence feels uncomfortable with its permissive social mores. Roll it back another 300 years, Mother!


“Rather than a cluster of 30 little villages, there was a single town of 20,000 people.”

Finds are happening all over - the ruins of a settlement on Vancouver Island that was thought to be a local First Nations legend were found recently...and turns out that ancient village was 14,000 years old. As in “there during the last ice age” old.


If he has, Betsy DeVos will do everything she can to make sure it never makes it into any history books.