<3 lemme know if you need a getaway driver, fam ;)
<3 lemme know if you need a getaway driver, fam ;)
She zoomed in on him because he was old and weak and being black was a bonus. Easy prey. She spotted him from a distance and started salivating at the prospect of taking him down.
Holy shit....what you said is scary but true. See it all the time.
Seattle has a racist cop problem for certain. There are plenty of officers who are not racist but they don’t do shit to stop the racist fuckers internally. Some do what they can to mitigate it in the field but that’s not enough. I used to regularly interact with SPD for work and there were certain cops that I dreaded…
Now you know when two black people get together they’re plotting against all white people everywhere. That’s why when you talk to the other black guy in the office Tom has to pass by repeatedly to eavesdrop ask you about those pens Katie ordered last week.
lmao @ Salma Hayek...I am cracking up!
I’m not mad at Whitlatch, I’m mad at the system that allowed a monster like Whitlatch to thrive within it, even after she more than proved that she should have never been allowed in.
The judge was black and the chief is black, so I mean to me ... how does that look?
Christ. I think I just lost my appetite, which sucks because I was ready for a kickass breakfast. This whole thing sucks, and it’s a city’s weak-ass way to keep the cops coddled and happy, because you know they would’ve revolted had the city come down hard on this malignant tumor. I’m still waiting for the day when…