In scientific terms organic refers to carbon, but with food and drink it's usually understood to mean 'doesn't contain extra chemicals'. So this isn't particularly different from anything else.
In scientific terms organic refers to carbon, but with food and drink it's usually understood to mean 'doesn't contain extra chemicals'. So this isn't particularly different from anything else.
The game was originally called Cluedo, and that's what it's still called in England (and possibly other countries). For some reason it was renamed Clue in America.
You've mentioned a few times now that Amy is being weakened, but I don't really think that is the case.
That's true, something to look forward to. I am indeed British - well sleuthed.
I'm a massive JRPG fan, like most, disappointed with FFXIII.
1) I hope it is. I know not everyone does, but I import quite a bit. America frequently gets games that either don't come out here (UK) (e.g. Jeanne d'Arc!! Would not have been happy to miss that), or come out a lot earlier.
Obviously loads of new people bought into the console market with the advent of the Wii and its 'user friendly' controls (or what have you), but I hope Nintendo realises that the low price point was likely a significant factor in people's decision making process too.
Shall have to see what it's like, but it doesn't appeal to me personally. Reading a line and then saying it out loud to choose it doesn't seems like it will make me feel more in the game than just having clicked it in the first place.
I feel I have to think Nintendo, just for giving me such a laugh.
@Samba_P: I'm not sure if it's the same for portable consoles, but as far as I understood it, companies almost always take a loss on their consoles (with Nintendo as the exception).
I think I must be reading this incorrectly. A large number of the comments seem to be saying that paying for stat tracking is stupid etc.
Haven't played LA Noire yet. I have a few worries about it, so was wondering if anyone can enlighten me (in a non-spoiler way obviously).
@darkos87: Seeing as the original PSP launched for £179 in the UK (I think with no game, can't remember), that seems unlikely, I'm in the same situation though, I just can't see myself paying over £200 for a portable. Considering the 3ds (although awful awful line up at present) now that it's available for £160. …
@Kickers: I think there are other options than those two. For example, I don't consider artificially whitening your teeth to be 'perfection' (esp. via bleaching, which isn't the best thing in the world to be doing to your teeth a lot). It isn't natural, and personally I think it looks odd (when over the top…
@captain kiwi: Depends what exactly the problem is. Mine died, and I didn't have anywhere near the money to buy a replacement, so I decided it was worth trying a replacement laser (searched the problem online and it seemed likely it was the laser).
@Kickers: I think they're just trying to trade on the popularity of the DS (and Wii). Up the price, make more money. Plus, with the price of the iphone and ipad (whilst maintaining popularity) I suppose it must be tempting to a company to try to go down that route.
@roman2838: I imagine that they worked on the DLC after the main game was finished, in the months' gap before release when other things were being done, like actually putting the game on disks, getting them distributed and so on.
Pretty much agree with everything you said.
I am very happy to declare Lost Odyssey as one of my favourite games of all time.