
@floobie: I don't imagine they will ever allow cheaper access to books you already own physical copies of (that you bought years ago. For one, it would be really hard to prove who owns what and so should have discounts), but I would quite like it if they did the bluray/dvd thing of releasing versions for an extra

@Retsaot: Obviously this completely depends on how you define an e-reader. I personally would agree with you, and think that E-ink is the major factor (otherwise just loading up a book on my laptop suddenly makes it an e-reader). But others seem not to care about the eye strain thing and count any portable device

I'm not entirely sure that this "raised an interesting question about online dating safey".

The initial statement is a bit odd - "What you hope to achieve by posting the same thread over and over again I can't honestly say." - as the writer did then actually respond to the post. So clearly in this instance, jumping up and down and shouting did in fact work.

The earthquake is tragic, but that doesn't mean that everything that happens in Japan from now on has to have something to do with it.

@Jekht: Making and selling couterfeit passports is a pretty big business. Identity theft and so on too. Any important documents are good stealing fodder.

Just because there are some instances where a company hasn't charged extra for things previously included, doesn't mean it isn't an issue in general. And I don't really think that they should be lauded for not doing something bad. That's like congratulating someone in parliament for not abusing their expenses.

It's true, it could do, and I hope that it does. Until that point, however, it is leaving us with an increasing number of unexplained elements, which, for me, make the show less enjoyable. Not that you have to explain everything the second it occurs in a tv show, some mystery is good, but these seem more like gaping

Peter didn't take cortexifan as far as I remember, so that wouldn't make a difference to him. Plus, I kind of prefer to be told something like that if it's important to a series (would consider that the writers' job), rather than be expected to have to try to make up some kind of justification myself.

Unfortunately this episode did push the repression thing too far. I think it's already difficult to believe that Olivia repressed all the experiments that took place for however long and that Walter forgot that Olivia was her star cortexifan person.

Just a random question, but has anyone had some positive experiences of voice chat?

@Aneroph: If you want to kill a Long Gui but can't be bothered getting the levels/setup, just start a fight, summon (which puts it to its knees) and then spam Death. It will hit eventually, took me a couple of fights, but less than 10 minutes probably. Depends whether there's any reason to bother doing that though.

@goldenroad: I would also have to vote for GOL. Had loads of fun with it, and every review I saw was glowing. I haven't played the other three you listed. I love Doublefine, but found the demo of Costume Quest so boring that I didn't feel I could justify a full purchase.

@interkin3tic: I bought it, but very much disliked all the shooting/being chased, which seemed to be most of the game.

Extreme situation + dropped calls = bad.

Mine was poor, I'll admit. First time shopper. Was going for the Michael Flatley 'Lord of the Dance' thing.

@grysl: I am also a teacher, and almost everyone plays COD at school. A lot of kids took days off when the game was released. To be honest, when you've got that many people playing a game, I think the problem has gone beyond marketing.

1) I find it really odd to have one article on Kotaku saying the campaign is "really stupid", and another saying it "is brilliant". I know they're different authors, but still seems a tad strange. Basically, we can play both sides of every story and get double the hits!

@DukeOfPwn: Maybe, but then surely on the pc some people have more precise mice (or ones with millions of programmable buttons etc) and faster computers/better internet connections.

@tylerbrainerd: I think we might be stuck in an infinite loop...