
@elislider: It's not a question, otherwise it would be 'How did....?'

@Thoraxe the Impaler: I don't really get it either. In fact, most comments I actually read about Fable 2 are negative, yet people still seem to see it as one of the big gaming series.

@VincentGrey: I think that's because (as I've seen a couple of people point out), Microsoft themselves don't actually call it 'slim'. On their website they just say 'The New Xbox 360', and in one heading it says 'Sleek New Design'.

@GamerKT: I have to jump in at this point and resolutely not recommend the books at all.

There are just too many mistakes in this thing (like double negatives all over the place). Even for a joke, I'm not sure it deserves to be posted.

@Hey_Blinkon: But in this case you also get millions of sales!

@chromegnome: For every single article posted on Kotaku/Gizmodo, there is someone saying 'You love xyz', and then a couple of posts down, a load of people saying the opposite.

@wesatinthecafe: Maybe we can set up some kind of island community where we never have to hear about her again? I don't understand how, upon hearing her name, people didn't laugh. And attack her.

@Dennis: Unless they've changed it from the 360 version, you can't do that.

@chaywa: I don't get them from the B+N store. Mostly I've got them from Waterstones and other online book sites in the UK. Just bought ePub versions of the books and then put the files on via USB.

I am generally a cynic, so maybe it's that, but this definitely sounds like one of those games that is fun for a few hours, maybe even a day or so if you push it... and then you get fed up of having to run around to do everything.

@chaywa: Import it :D I don't import much, because of the insane rates, but I did for the Nook launch and couldn't be happier.

@MrNose: When you sit still to get health the character gets a piece of cake out and eats it. I'm guessing that is what they were referring to, rather than the cake you feed to the princess.

@Eternal: I don't think LBP at all. I think Paper Mario.

What if the other player is a non-human? A research monkey perhaps, or my dog?

@Degeiz: I get awful speeds for the firmware updates. Always end up downloading them on my pc and putting them across on USB. Games and so on seems fine though, usually around 1MB/s.

@Setzer IIDX: You want to download slower? Am I reading that incorrectly?

@Warden626: How is the Move price bleh? Didn't they say $49.99 for the tech alone? That's the same price as a ps3 pad. How could you expect any cheaper than that?

@JRock: I think you'd have to work pretty hard to manage 60+ hours in Fable 2, it just isn't that kind of game.