
@JRock: That's my issue with basically everything in Fable 2. Loads of interesting ideas, and then nothing really works that well/deeply when you do it.

@Walking Eye!: seconded. That would definitely have some potential. Haven't been too fussed for the last two.

@Lachette: Aren't the 360 triggers analogue as well (not the bumpers)?

As with most people who use them for any length of time, I'm perfectly comfortable with either controller.

@Iceman B.: I can't see why they think they will be able to get some of the wii crowd by completely copying nintendos adverts and games. What incentive is there to get the product if it's the same as something you already have?

@robcapazzi: If you're talking about CraigSharp's comment, he's clearly being sarcastic.

I wonder how different the response would have been if the iphone hadn't leaked earlier. Guessing the form factor would have been one of the biggest elements, along with the screen.

@MercerCh00x: Same for me. Verizon is starting to sound pretty good too.

@seven5suited: The more awful thing is that I will be amazingly surprised if you don't see almost every person in town/uni/school with one of them on their iphone, regardless of the price.

@cisco_03: From what I've read, as long as you bought the phone outright yourself you would keep your old contract. If you get the discounted price that new customers get when you upgrade, then you would lose it.

@dallasmay: HTC Desire is apparantly 240 dpi. The screen is indeed nice.

@tuzo13: But as Mattizzle says, they both work as they both mean the same thing. It's just a different way of writing it, and there doesn't really seem to be a consensus as to which one is 'right'.

@laser beams: Brief response: I completely agree. I wasn't expecting to like Mass Effect that much, but I ended up loving it. Got ME2 on launch and I just found it nowhere near as enjoyable. Overall storyline just didn't seem to be as clever, everything was pretty straight forward stuff. The lack of weapon/armor

I don't see why this is surprising. If I worked for a company and leaked information that wasn't I knew was internal/private, I would expect to be fired.

@Badmofo: Considering what okonomi/okonomu means you could make it yourself.

@DemonHunt: Teaching has changed massively, like every industry/job. Although actually there are plenty of teachers who will still do that.

@Artheido: They may have missed it (it happens), but generally the aim when marking isn't to point out every single mistake. It can be a bit overwhelming to be faced with that much criticism, and it's almost impossible to act on it all.

@Killer Toilet: When you say 'there must be someone else who noticed this', does that mean that you are basing this solely on your own observations, you haven't heard it somewhere offical? Because if so, I would say you are wrong.

Just different business styles. Each new generation of iPhone adds slightly more features. Each new generation of PS3 takes slightly more features away.

@Smigit: It's not that people don't have a TV, but for one household to own multiple PS2s, they would need multiple TVs. Not that common now, even less so 10 years ago. For a handheld there are no such limitations. Plus TVs are used for other things than just hosting games consoles, so even more competition.