Kat Murry

One thing to keep in mind, though is that there are some adults (and some children and teenagers) with a clinical diagnosis of ASD who refer to themselves as "autistic" rather than "person on the autism spectrum" — similar to the Deaf community in their self-labeling. This might be a useful reference: The Logical

She aspires to be more than she is. Maybe the writers can do something with that.

Being a community as it should be.

I'll be curious to see what Britta actually does with her life. It's apparent the group thinks she'd be a terrible therapist, but I'd like to see what she decides.

I loved how they acknowledged that Britta had become a lesser version of herself across the show: "We went in one end as real people and went out the other end as mixed up cartoons."

It seems so. I like to think this is Mike on a timeline where he gets to be slightly happier.

Have you seen Ruby Sparks? It felt like what 500 days of Summer wanted to be. Sad man meets quirky girl and faces actual consequences in said relationship.

This year's Christmas special was sort of a mess (and I say this as a person who really likes New Who). Matt Smith was good, but it seemed like Moffat was trying to tie up all loose ends in a single episode.

Warm Bodies was one of the more life-affirming zombie movies I've seen.

Have you seen Sunshine Cleaning? She's a mom who becomes a crime scene cleaner with her sister, Emily Blunt, and her dad is Alan Arkin.

Frances Ha is a good twenty-something figuring out what she wants to do with her life film.