
For Chilton's sake, he should hope there isn't a 4th season. Otherwise, he'll be back for another round of the writers' "Can we top this?"

What was Elmo doing at the end?

Lol @ your username and profile pic.

Wow, that's a really good point! Didn't even consider specific role.

Crap! This is a real bummer for me.

Great point on Rerun's importance.

Yeah, but whose home planet: Hannibal's or Will's?

"Moore" as in Alan Moore? If so, don't think I've read that title of his. From your comments, I'm thinking it might be best to avoid that one (despite Alan Moore's brilliance when it comes to story-telling.)

Good review, but I don't get why the reviewer was trying to draw attention to a non-existent "sexual tension" between Matt and Foggy. If Matt had been shirtless and Foggy complimented him on his physique, then fine. But this lacked any sexual tension other than what the reviewer imagined he/she saw.

I thought that too initially, but Fisk would then have Urich "dealt with". He didn't do that, so it was an eerie coincidence.

Hmm… you raise an interesting point:

Who's Frank?

Right! It should be called "shallow and pedantic."

That's fine. I've heard of situations where individuals within organizations receive medals while others - the "cancellors" in this case - receive middle fingers.

[grudgingly upvoted]

I agree with the subscription/cable TV assessment.

This was a great article. Reading it had me thinking about how I choose to read books.

I've finally gotten around to reading "The Death of Wolverine" collection.

I don't think she's making out alive past this season. Not sure how it's gonna happen, but it's gonna.

WOW, I read your comment twice and I'm still not if you're happy or unhappy about Hannibal (possibly) ending.