
Or her new haircut? :S

That's a good point.

Oh yeah, and Poison Ivy's real name is "Ivy Pepper" now, not Pamela Isley.

Well, Malcolm said he'll be seeing her again "very soon." Wondered what that meant. Stage 2 of her training?

Dad, sit down.

Ouch. Even the dad as the Comm. Gordon of the show?

Now that you've put that idea out there, I'd actually like to see that.

I was thinking the same thing.
Hmmm… Because she's "emotionally distraught", I'll take under.

I got a "fight club" flashback when Malcolm held Thea's hand as he was about to burn it.

I hope Bob survives (somehow). We're up to three former Wire cast members now! At this rate, we may get yet another rendition of "Way Down In the Hole" playing at some point.

I'll ALWAYS remember this dude as Simon Adebesi! Looking forward to seeing if he's as good in GoT.

Queef car! Awesome! I died of laughter with the "it runs on female natural gas".

Is the recording available for online viewing?

At least we know she's alive and didn't die on her way back to her home planet.

After seeing this episode, I was brutally reminded that the producers killed the wrong Lance sister last week. :(

Yes, I highly recommend Wonder Woman and Aquaman. Brian Azzarello and Geoff Johns, respectively, have done fantastic jobs of crafting interesting stories… though Black Manta's characterization was a little shallow (no pun intended).

Yeah!! I'm definitely checking out this show. (BTW, I've copied and pasted your post in a word doc, so I can refer to it before I start this weekend. Thanks again.)

lol… uh, double Oscar?

Cool. Thanks! I really appreciate the links and your perspectives on the show.

OK… you're right. I think my fondness for each Snyder story comes from the beginning and middle of each. I actually have a hard time remembering the ending of each one (not a good sign). Still, his stories have crossed over relatively smoothly to Nightwing, Batgirl, Catwoman and been thrilling read for the most part.