Katie K.

I don’t blame Hayden for his portrayal in the prequels. George Lucas made a lot of actors look awful in those movies. The only actors who put in decent performances are Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid. It’s great that he get redemption as an actor here because he does deserve it.

She was bandaged, and was sweating, limping, and breathing heavily.  Owen clocks this and hits her in the wound later.

Plot armor is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.  

I feel like a lot of the prequel bashers, myself included, owe a big time apology to Hayden Christiansen, because he absolutely rocked in this series, tonight’s episode especially. Turns out it really was Lucas’s lousy direction of actors this whole time.

Now we wait to see if Disney will actually have the balls to follow through with more of Reva’s story, or pull a Rose Tico with “The racist fans didn’t like her, and we need to listen to them.”

Love the show or hate it, but can we do away with this stupid “does it warrant its existence?” bullshit? If this is the new filter in which we judge creative endeavors, I’m taking my ball and going home.

I always thought “Darth” was a title within the SW universe...Darth Vader, Darth Sidius, Darth Maul.

Also, it was Kenobi who gave her the holster? I know the gesture was supposed to make me grin but it mostly just made me roll my eyes. Sometimes you don’t need every detail to have been planted somewhere else explicitly: Not even her most distinctive piece of wardrobe was of her own making!”

I agree with all of this

I don’t really know with this show. For me, ultimately the larger character arc did sell on why it was necessary. This was that bridge between who Obi-Wan was at the end of the prequels and who he was at the start of the New Hope while giving his story with Vader a sense of closure even if it would come ahead in the

So nobody else was momentarily baffled that Reva just shows up on Tatooine walking and talking like she didn’t get run through with a lightsaber last week? And this is in the same span of time where the Path ship is still trying to escape Vader’s destroyer? I thought I’d missed an episode.

Too bad Qui-Gon never learned that “shrug off getting impaled on a lightsaber” trick that all the Inquisitors seem to know

really wish they’d just condensed this into a 2 hour movie and released it in theatres. i didn’t exactly like this but less would have been more, straight up.

Really disagree hard with this review.

Fuck yeah! This is the show I was hoping it would be. I’m annoyed it took until the show was already 2/3 done, but in this case, late really is better than never.

At least this series corrects one major problem I had with the Prequel Trilogy.

“$6,000? It’s not even leather!”

The timeless message of Working Girl is that Harrison Ford is the most beautiful man ever.

At home we quote Signorney Weaver’s character in this whenever we poke fun an someone acting very entitled:

Wade’s script is incredibly smart about the way classism can intersect with feminism, limiting the bonds of sisterhood along particular social lines. The wealthy, well-bred Katharine represents the kind of woman who’s willing to operate within a sexist system so long as she can make it work to her advantage.