Katie K.

Oh, God. Ruthie

Between this and the Good Place, going to shed a lot of tears this weekend.

Is there a reason most cartoons aimed at adults have to have off-putting art

That ABC Murders version was interesting, but what in the world were they trying to do making Poirot a social pariah whose entire identity as a former policeman was in doubt? People don’t read Christie’s mysteries for character development with Poirot - they read them for the murder and mystery. It’s like Malkovich

CBS trying to make us feel good about cops. So what else is old?

Chris Rock is 54. I mean he’s not necessarily too old for this shit, but he’s pretty old for this shit.

Look, I adore the Lethal Weapon movies and consider them all to be a lot of fun, even the fourth one, but there is absolutely no need for LW5. Especially since I very much doubt Danny Glover is in any shape to any action stunts. Unless you’re gonna team Mel up with Chris Rock or something. 

Man, a scene of the Powerless gang in Crisis would have made me so happy. At least we have a partial reunion on Harley Quinn.

“it still feels a bit odd for Felicity to essentially commit suicide when Mia’s only in her 20's and Felicity herself is in good health.”

yup. Im guesssssing there were some subtle shifts over time to how they envisioned Mia’s future as they developed this new show concept, as well as to what specific changes would

I think the Van Wayne thing was a shout out to Powerless since Van hasn’t been mentioned on Batwoman yet.

Yeah reconciling this final scene with her final flashforward scene last season is very Shrodinger’s cat.

Which makes sense - Oliver becomes the Spectre in 2020. Felicity goes with the Monitor in 2040. The Monitor tells her “it’s time” - which I assume is a specific point she can join him.

Otherwise, it was “she can join him when William and Mia are reunited”, except William and Mia now grow up together .... ish, I guess.


“As cool as the scene was, the extended flashback of Ollie shooting every single one of Byrne’s goons felt out of place.”

In the comics, Jim Corrigan was the Spectre for many years before he finally got to pass into the afterlife. That’s how I see Oliver in the final scene. After Crisis, he has years ahead of him fulfilling the Spectre’s mission (which gives him opportunities to pop up in future crossovers or just as a special guest star

Agreed. Flash’s bad writing at points is saved by the great acting and chemistry from the cast and directors.

Maybe now that Felicity’s there, he’s retired?

Thanks for the kind words! FWIW, I feel like the whole season is a farewell to Oliver—they sidelined pretty much everyone else for large chunks of time and let him get closure with just about everyone. So making this one about grieving his loss made perfect sense to me. But I see your perspective as well. Thanks for

The Spectre is a ghost, though, so the afterlife’s sorta like home base.

- I find it funny that Ollie revived everyone he could (I assume William’s mom is still dead) but he couldn’t give Roy back his arm.