Katie K.

So no Moonraker??  That’s it- I’m out.

In case some people don’t know, when we talk about MGM’s back catalog, we *don’t* mean all of the MGM movies going way back to Clark Gable and Greta Garbo. At one point in the 1980s, Ted Turner bought MGM and then sold it a few months later, but he kept the back catalog (up to that point) to run on his cable channels,

I agree that I thought they had swapped Lillith for Wardwell. Kind of glad they went for something less obvious even though I love Lillith.

Perhaps that line will serve as a setup for Legends’ successor show Time Cops (entirely in my head at this time) which will feature, among other things, Ava being a high-powered agency director and Sara settling down to a job where she only travels in time between 9 and 5 to arrest people before coming back to the

And how many Brainys do we have now?

So....where were the Legends in all of this? Not even a name drop?

Supergirl had two Winns tonight and they didn’t seem to have much trouble.  And how many Brainys did we have last week?

And Batwoman again proves it’s one of the smarter CW-verse shows by not killing off the good Beth after only one episode. If we were watching Arrow, Beth-2 would have died in that car for sure.

Not Petra Beth

Still, that climax was genuinely great. I worried they might kill off Remnant Beth, which would’ve been such an incredibly cruel thing to do.

Leave it to Mary to so perfectly break down Alice’s entire persona.

-You could just tell from the moment it appeared that cat was gonna die horribly.

I mean, sure Kara was busy fighting robot tigers, but she could've found time to free Kate from that car.

I would get such kick out of seeing Kara go up against Mouse.

So Mary’s totally on her way to becoming a part of Team Batwoman. Her drunken speech laying out the multi-verse was awesome.

I actually like the idea of having two Beth’s running around at the same time. They make a good mirror to each other. Of course as it appears Good Beth won’t be sticking around so alas. Was also nice seeing Mary interacting Beth, she finally has a sister who likes spending time with her.

That was a pretty fucked up episode of American network television. When crazy dad killed the poor kitten, and then had Beth sew human flesh, just ewwwww.

Rachel S really hitting it out of the park.

The thing about the John Wick films is that they’re basically the action version of classic musicals like Singin’ in the Rain or an American in Paris - there’s a plot and there’s dialog, and they’re good and even great at times, but really they’re just an excuse to string together a series of thrilling kinetic