
I would like to hire them to come for a local event, at my house. Oh, to be rich...

Your comments have made me realize that these Clydesdales are as beloved as Li'l Sebastian!

All of these comments are making me woefully aware of how uninteresting my own city is! I would love to go to an event like this.

Hahaha. I'm glad they're treated well, though. I wonder if the other horses at the fair are totes jealous.

I would love to go to St. Louis for so many reasons; this is just one more!

I want them to come to my front yard!

Aw, cute!

I want to go to there.

Oh wow! That sounds fun.

Wow! So this commercial is way more accurate than I thought!

I didn't have any idea that Budweiser Clydesdales existed. So, people give their horses to a beer company? And then there are sometimes parades? Is this a real thing? Is that really how it works?

Yeah, I was really surprised how much I ended up liking it. My embarrassing television addiction and a dearth of any sort of romantic life frequently lead me to frantically start watching new things on Hulu if I'm ever caught up on my regular shows. I gave this one a shot midway through its first season and was


Gasp! Good idea!

I love this show so much, but none of my friends watched it! Sometimes I would call my mom's office just to talk to her receptionist, Steve, about the last episode.

Wow! That sounds fun. More fun than I probably had the other day (statistically speaking, I was most likely eating cereal in my pajamas while on my 5th consecutive episode of "Homeland.")


I want to know what the letter to your parents says.

I have:

Is the expired yogurt that I just ate going to make me sick?