I had the same reaction!
I had the same reaction!
Yeah, that one was strangely weak. I thought the drawing looked surprisingly like Gabby Giffords, though.
ME TOO!! And there used to be an Ebay holiday commercial that was guaranteed to make me start bawling, no matter how many times I saw it.
You didn't see Lost?! I wish we were real-life friends, so I could make an Island of Enhancement map for us (which would just be photos of us sitting on a sofa for a month eating brownies and watching seasons 1-5 of Lost and then replacing season 6 with the first season of Twin Peaks).
it was bad. it looked like a weird gummy candy that had been dropped on the floor and picked up some stray dogs hairs, then was affixed to the eyeball.
Your wedding sounds like awesome fun :)
I wish they didn't continually criticize other women's clothes, bodies and personal life choices as well.
Something that also clearly applies to the very thing Tracie is complaining about in her article. She was not forced to attend the wedding or even read about it, yet she did. She then wrote a long, hostile, snotty, and completely unnecessary take-down of a couple she (I assume) doesn't even know.
I have that same bat necklace that she is wearing in the wedding photos. I got it at Walgreens for $3. I love it.
That's interesting! I wonder if dogs are the same way.
That is the norm for my cousin's cat. I used to have a cat that wouldn't ever drink from her nice, clean bowl of water on the floor. She would only drink from the toilet or water coming out of the faucet. It caused anyone who came over to believe that I never gave her water and she was desperately thirsty.
I read the article claiming she never showers and has bad B.O. It was way more interesting.
I love the Rootie Tootie Fresh & Fruity, but I always feel embarrassed saying all of those words when I order it.
I'm with you. AND I love Awesome.
Your friend Chris is awesome.
I thought the same thing. It doesn't really bother me when a plot starts begins as one thing and then changes into something drastically different. A lot of my favorite Simpsons episodes are that way! But I haven't seen the movie, so maybe it does seem jarring...? Either way, this just made me want to see it.
I like my 99 Cents Only store boyfriend.
I'm an adult woman, but I'm still going to post this here.
I'm 'sorry,' that's to'o' 'bad' :(