
@PolythenePam: Totally. #1 and #4 were/are the hardest for me to reconcile. Thanks for the support! <3

Should have commented on the original "Fuck You" post, but I didn't so I'ma do it here instead. Hopefully it will be cathartic.

@jenilane: Me too! Well, okay, laid off twice and fired once. Not a good year.

"If you ever fall out of a moving car on the freeway, just go real limp, because maybe you'll look like a blow-up sex doll, and people will try to catch you because, hey, free blow-up sex doll!" - (almost) Jack Handey

@WednesdayAM: Oh man, no kidding! You totally get it. I lived in Texas for six months and the first thing people ask me is how I could stand being surrounded by conservatives. They're shocked to learn that I didn't (to my knowledge) meet a single one while living there.

@sweetbeans: Totally. And it's hard not to take it personally sometimes! At least for me...haha.

@butter-wrapped suede: Haha, I can understand someone knowingly asking you "how you feel about HER" after finding out you work for Anna Wintour or something, but otherwise, that's kind of a silly loaded question to ask simply because you're from Alaska.

@Ajh: Exactly!! Thank you for understanding.

@faithdarwin: I think it's something that is sometimes hard to articulate to people who don't live here. Everyone has their hot-button issues, and this is one of mine. I'm glad that we have gotten some support in these comments, though!

As someone from Tucson, Arizona, I am going to take this opportunity to say that the majority of people in Tucson are liberal. Pima County, where Tucson lies, is a historically "blue" county, and generally votes overwhelmingly liberal/democrat in elections. So many of our citizens have been quite vocally opposed to

@RetiredPartyGrrl: Oh, I don't have it wired for sound, so when I see something naughty, I just have to imagine the accompanying noises.

@freshlygrounded: Also known by its acronym, SLIC, and emoticon, [:D]

Mine is to stop installing video cameras in men's restrooms.*