@dewan: Yesssssssssss.
@dewan: Yesssssssssss.
@SuperMeels urban cookie collective: So good. The original, that is.
@Wandell: Can they really not spare the extra thirty seconds I imagine that it would take to add some chocolate flavoring to that shiz? I mean, come on, right?!
chocolate! chocolate! chocolate! aaack!
@singing_femmebot: Yes!
@antinickname: :)
@antinickname: I am also a member of the Sarah Silverman Anti-Fan Club.
@megreads: Oh good, we have a mutual friend...
I actually like this Etsy version of the leather face mask, for waaaaaaaay cheaper:
@angelina jolie-laide is a mavericky bish AGAIN: Argggggg, now I want an Australian baby!!
@angelina jolie-laide is a mavericky bish AGAIN: Their accents are SO freakin' adorable.
@laureltreedaphne: I LOVE that photo. I don't care about the Kardashians at all, really, but if I had the means, that is exactly the kind of photo I would take for a Christmas card. I think it's decadent, ominous, and all around amazing.
@SeriesofTubes: Seems the way it should be to me, as well. Though, I guess, what if someone had a heart condition unknown to you, and you inadvertently scared the person enough that his/her heart stopped? Can that actually happen? I don't know....
@misspennywhistle: Agreed.
@dykesonbikes: I like this!
@WednesdayAM: Ha, I thought the same thing. And what about "Madge," or "Hairy Manilow"?
@rixatrix has snapped from her tether: Same here.
"He had two daddies, God and Joseph!"
@redpensplease: Agreed.