
I haven’t seen enough vaginas to distinguish between many and most, so I’ll take your word for it :)

Exactly. I feel like judging other people for getting surgery totally negates the fact that they too are complex human beings who have weighed this option for themselves. Like, they are still going through all that you would imagine with that surgery, it’s not like it’s magically easy for them. I don’t know how to

See this is where I tend to feel uncomfortable judging women who get this surgery.

I know it’s a mostly result of societal pressure to look a certain way, for goddamn yoga pants of all things.

But if someone feels so intensely horrible about their body, to the point where they’d consider surgery...I have a hard time

I have literally NEVER considered the appearance of my labia, either clothed or unclothed. I would think, if you're worried about how your pussy looks in the clothes you're wearing, you could wear different clothes, right? Like, heavier underwear? A panty liner even? Maybe this is a generational thing?

My gyno called it ‘redundant labial tissue’. I replied with ‘yep! I’m blessed!” I just wear panties with all my workout clothes and yoga pants. If I don’t, my drapes feel all mashed weird and sideways, and it’s uncomfortable. I have an ‘outie’ I guess! I have no desire to chop them off however.

We need a nicer term than “roast beef curtains.” Pleasure drapes? Vagina Valance?

Long labia haver here. I have never not once felt uncomfortable with my crotchal area in yoga pants. Literally everyone in my yoga class is packing a spandex burger. Doesn't matter.

Crop dusting is the best at the grocery store... you get to the end of the aisle and get to watch people that walk into it with their mouth open...

I just sneak into our server room and fart there. All those fans....

I understand that having “Feminist Utopia” in the title kind of hints at what is expected to be views held of this story... but even given that, wouldn’t a proper “utopia” maybe have the father of Sophia’s child be present in her life and helping her raising their child? Teen, young adult or not-so-young adult, you’d

And she has a full hour granted by the school to hang out with her kid. And she gets in late for class. And she gets interrupted by texts from her “baby”. This girl is getting zero work done; why even bother going to school? You’re just wasting gas, at this point.

Why does a teen mom utopia not involve the teen dad of Sophia’s baby?

Where is Sophia’s daughter’s dad in the Feminist Utopia? Fucked off somewhere not helping out, I guess?

Right? Sophia’s text message can be checked after class, thanks. #crankyoldperson

Wait, so in a feminist utopia high school students are checking their text messages during class? I’m a feminist, but not in my classroom.

THe high school my son went to has this set up, AND they have a mobile medical clinic come once or twice a week that is available to all students, the parents and siblings, and any children of students. When the kids graduated, their children crossed the stage with them. It was awesome!

It really shows how much the average person can see into the future, i.e. Not at all.


But what if I have a REALLY good idea.

So he spent an extra $43-ish more a month over the 33 years? Not too bad.