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    Aw thank you. I'm not sure I'll ever look that pretty again, to be honest!

    And unfortunately they took any resemblance to it out, so none of us are seeing it.

    They could have had the nostalgia crowd, who absolutely loved Jem - I had the barbie-style dolls, the clothes for her, every VHS.. they ruined it.

    I had a mantilla style veil and despite not caring originally it was so special to me.

    Loved this book and these two so I’m pretty thrilled about this.

    They still do.

    Had that before! Our bodies totally troll us as soon as we starting TTC!

    Ha! Same. Cycle 6 and every twinge means something. It can drive ya crazy.

    It is surprisingly tame for the article. Driving then black. Then her voice at the end.

    Ah cool we just do that in reverse then! Glad it works for you.

    Good hearing your perspective. I manage the accounts and pay our bills too and it's worked out the best for us so far. That'll change as I've said when we have kids but for now it's nice not having to worry about keeping tabs on what we each spend for ourselves.

    Well that totally makes sense. We earn less than £1k difference between us.

    Still paying off mine!

    I've done it! Not with nice and easy though.

    The banning must be recent because I've definitely seen a similar ad here.

    This reminds me of Temuera Morrison and Cliff Curtis, two New Zealand Maoris who have played everything from Latino to Pakistani. Heh. At least at the moment they’re letting Cliff actually be Maori on Fear the Walking Dead, even if he’s an Americanised one.

    Doesn’t reeeaaalllly work for my trips from the UK to New Zealand. I’d be super hungry not eating for 36 hours.

    The only time the pronoun lyric changes annoyed me is on Style. He butchers the really good thing about the chorus and it makes the song a bit disappointing for me.

    Call and ask them not to!

    Do you think maaaayyyybe it’s because she realises she still fancies women (which is obvious from the show)? Or am I being super cynical here?