Nope, just a congratulations message which was a little bit weird and felt like he wanted a response/rise out of me. I just replied with a “thanks” and went on my way because since me he's had no luck with meaningful relationships.
Nope, just a congratulations message which was a little bit weird and felt like he wanted a response/rise out of me. I just replied with a “thanks” and went on my way because since me he's had no luck with meaningful relationships.
Depends on if you’re actually close to them still. I didn’t because I’m not in touch with them much and it’s been several (10) years.
My husband is a cop and the procedure here when an infant/child dies unexpectedly/in strange circumstances is that the child and all of the bedclothes/anything involved is taken away ASAP. My husband’s colleagues have had to take babies from their mother’s arms. Sometimes it takes a long time but they have to take…
Ha thanks! That made my day.
Thank you, this is kind of you. And I’m sorry you didn’t get the same luxury.
I’ve seen so much twitter outrage that I had to follow this link here and I’m actually glad I did. This is one spoiler I’m glad to have had, because I wouldn’t have coped very well otherwise. I’m still sticking with GoT and reading it as well, but this’ll be watched on mute later.
There’s a blooper from the first movie where they make out really really hot and heavy and phwoar.
As a Jew who is also a white girl: ugh.
I'm always rooting for her but damn, that girl needs to go to jail.
I travel so rarely these days that when I do, I overgram. But they’re always interesting/amazing places, not just absolutely everything I see. My friends and family follow me because they want to see my life, so! I live very far from my loved ones. They’re used to the odd spurt of posting 5-10 a day when I’m somewhere…
I’m not scared of flying at all, but my husband and I always stop reading/watching something and hold hands on take off or landing. He gets nervous, and also I think we just both recognise that those are the 2 most dangerous parts of the flight.
YES. I totally resent the implication that 30 is remotely old!
That's in the post! (Unless Mark edited after your comment).
Alexandra or Charlotte.
We have an old Tupperware container (that has long since lost its lid) sitting by the stove. It gets food scraps til it's full then emptied into the bin. Easy.
Actually, my fiancé is the worst at this. He leaves cupboards open, fridge open, doors open, drawers open, lights on...
I am EXACTLY the same.
A manager lost her shit at me and so I lost my shit and sobbed in a very squealing/not really breathing way to a higher manager and basically hyperventilated myself into almost passing out.
I've read the comics so I can't wait to see how they handle it going forward...