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    I'm aware. Doesn't change my comment.

    Seems pretty standard these days.


    I love you, Mark, and I'll read every post you make, but this is just devastating.

    I've never had a real tree. :(

    I only disagree on Bang Bang. Because that song is my jam.

    It depends on what her family wants. If they want to terminate support, fine. If I died pregnant, and there was no hope of bringing me back, I would be happy with them keeping me alive long enough. Try and get my kid out alive, please.

    Not always getting what you want at all times definitely teaches patience and humility! stick with it!

    Angelea was batshit insane with delusions of grandeur, so I'm not surprised.

    This is one of my all time favourite musicals and I am so so so so so so excited.

    I can't get behind Yaya, one of the most obnoxious ANTM contestants of all time. :( But I'm willing to be proven wrong.

    Ridiculous fucking spoiler in the HEADLINE and therefore, TWEETED OUT. Thanks a lot.

    I know, right? Better break out the crackers.

    For ultimate cheese, we're dancing to a song I wrote for him/us.

    Sadly I can't get past the backing track being terrible and using the wrong chords, so I shut that shit down pretty fast.

    Living in the UK, I have to make the joke: £400? That's a steal!

    The biggest surprise to me is that Lana Del Rey is famous.

    Aca-scuse me?

    Oh yeah she did brilliantly! I only said that because she unfortunately doesn't have all of this knowledge herself, but immediately found it so she could help.

    HUGE kudos and she's totally reading instructions but wow. Awesome work.