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    Totally agree.

    My man does more housework than me most of the time. I'd never marry someone who didn't pull his weight. It's just as bad as the Dads who get applauded for doing half the childcare. It's his kid, too. Grow up and be responsible.

    This is not creepy. It's simple market research and makes sense. And your photos are in the public domain. Go private if you want.

    So terrifying. I'm glad they got the guy.

    Cause they're damn tasty with potato products/eggs?

    Only bonus of eating this is that there's no payment needed for emergency treatment afterwards. Yay NHS.

    Loved Gone Girl but can't even watch more than the trailer for Annabelle (I've been subjected to it 3 times now).

    Now playing

    I'd much rather see a Tetris Cops movie.

    Never forgave mine. But in time I made peace with that.

    Old song, old song, old song, TLC, old song, old so- wait. What?

    I've tried so hard to watch her videos but her cartoony ways annoy me but oh GOSH this is so well-written.

    Magic is the most recent hit. It's no b-side. But I appreciate your Coldplay disdain (despite owning all their albums).

    Yeah I'm shocked. It's free here. I don't take it, but. I feel for you guys.

    He was doing a much more difficult position, no? But still, she puts me to shame.

    They pointed out that she calls Lorde Ella? That's.. her name.

    I could never love a man who laughs like that.

    I just love Taylor. I really, really do.

    Mark, you're my favourite

    And all us Jews are like, "Well, duh."

    *timidly* Can I say that I think this is kinda lovely? And I'd smile if I saw it on an envelope? But it is NOT fucking okay when you are paying for a service for you to disregard their wishes!!