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    I've done as much sleuthing as I can and I still can't get through to anyone to tell them to stop. So annoying!

    Yes yes yes. I live in Scotland and get email for an Australian and someone in North Carolina. If it's personal, I reply and tell them to tell their friend they have it wrong, but it's mainly mailing lists. I've unsubscribed but she keeps resubscribing me. I've started filtering them/marking as spam. It's really

    I think they create a new hole for that at the base of the penis. :(

    Why are we so scared of people seeing our photos? It's the Internet. There is next to no privacy. I don't see it as a big deal.

    I'm engaged so EVERYTHING is wedding related.

    Oh, he just had this whole attitude that he was gonna be huge and everyone better remember that. Only spoke to people he deigned "talented" enough to speak with him, and thought his body, even then, was shit hot (which it wasn't - more scrawny than sexy). I just had no time for the guy. He visited again when I worked

    Ugh, I went to camp with Adam and he was the biggest douchebag ever. She can have 'im.

    Eh. We don't care which surname our kid gets but we all want the same name. If I wanted my future husband to take my name, he would, but there are a million of us and he is the last of his family. I don't feel any less of a feminist to take his name and think it's cool when people do whatever they want. I know my

    Saving up $100,000 for a deposit is "downright reasonable"? Geez. What are the earning? The only way we could afford to buy was with help from parents.

    I dunno, I still think a bikini is better than underwear, regardless of your size. Put the underwear shots away.

    Um, all of you saying Sandy Bullock should have a gun by the bed - this guy had a MACHINE GUN. Fuck that noise.

    He had a machine gun...

    I try and believe that everyone is good. But yes, I agree that some will not feel the shame. I'd call the police, but I'd still break the window.

    "They need to see their actions have consequences"? Well as the parents and the role models for little people, they should have learned this lesson by now. And being shamed by a bystander seems like a good way to learn to not make such a poor decision.

    Yeah I'll keep an eye on it. I would love surgery but since I've had meningitis my eyes are quite sensitive to light, so I've been advised against most procedures as they could exacerbate that.

    Fair enough. As I said, they're not for everyone. I have a reminder on my phone that tells me which day to change and it's the 1st, so it's not hard to remember. I have forgotten once or twice, with no issues.

    Also, glasses for me are just SO thick. Regardless of "thin lens" technology.

    Yeah, it's definitely not fun!! Glasses for me, regardless of what "thin lens" technology they use, are crazy-thick and just not enjoyable. Also very hard to adjust to when wearing them instead of contacts.

    Wow. That's scary. I think after 11 years I'm probably okay. But I do get very regular checks.

    I wake up being able to see in the morning. I don't have to clean and take them out at night. I can barely see 6 inches in front of my face, so it's worth it for me.