I dunno, I still think a bikini is better than underwear, regardless of your size. Put the underwear shots away.
I dunno, I still think a bikini is better than underwear, regardless of your size. Put the underwear shots away.
Um, all of you saying Sandy Bullock should have a gun by the bed - this guy had a MACHINE GUN. Fuck that noise.
He had a machine gun...
I try and believe that everyone is good. But yes, I agree that some will not feel the shame. I'd call the police, but I'd still break the window.
"They need to see their actions have consequences"? Well as the parents and the role models for little people, they should have learned this lesson by now. And being shamed by a bystander seems like a good way to learn to not make such a poor decision.
Yeah I'll keep an eye on it. I would love surgery but since I've had meningitis my eyes are quite sensitive to light, so I've been advised against most procedures as they could exacerbate that.
Fair enough. As I said, they're not for everyone. I have a reminder on my phone that tells me which day to change and it's the 1st, so it's not hard to remember. I have forgotten once or twice, with no issues.
Also, glasses for me are just SO thick. Regardless of "thin lens" technology.
Yeah, it's definitely not fun!! Glasses for me, regardless of what "thin lens" technology they use, are crazy-thick and just not enjoyable. Also very hard to adjust to when wearing them instead of contacts.
Wow. That's scary. I think after 11 years I'm probably okay. But I do get very regular checks.
I wake up being able to see in the morning. I don't have to clean and take them out at night. I can barely see 6 inches in front of my face, so it's worth it for me.
Stunned reading the comments that no one wears night and days? I put my new pair in and leave them in for a month. You sleep in them and everything. Because I touch my eyes less my eyes have never been healthier, and they're made of a thinner material so they breathe fine. I've worn them for 11 years now.
Along with my normal warmup routine, I like to sing a song through and work on my vowel sounds but I wouldn't sing out of tune.
Very last line: "in piece" should be "in peace", no?
Yeah I think back then he wasn't as bad. At the gig I saw the band all walked off as he kept his "solo" going for about 9 minutes. We were booing at minute 7. He then made us sing happy birthday to him twice, before telling us it wasn't his birthday. When the band members came back on, they didn't look happy, and…
I lost all respect for him when I saw them live in 2008. He was just such an asshole.
Grateful again to live in the UK, where I can have a year off (9 months paid) - if I'm pregnant in November next year I just show my return date to my broker when we refinance so they know when I'll have a salary again. Luckily we probably qualify for refinancing on my man's salary alone, too.
He worked at Home Depot, did he not?
Ditto to this. I watch Independence Day every year and I'm not even American.
To be fair, Winona was only in old makeup for those few scenes, the rest of the film had scenes where she played her normal-looking self as the mother to young Spock. This was then cut from the film, leaving just weird old lady Winona.