+1 internet for a decent comment thread. I agree with you wholeheartedly.
+1 internet for a decent comment thread. I agree with you wholeheartedly.
Double Post
I completely concur. Being a white mid-20s male, I really can't win refuting her statements.
Even better, that sends the last 5 mins of a racist/homophobic tirade to the gamer's mother :)
did you see that article about why it's so big? It's designed with a heat profile that will allow it to last 10 years ON. If upping the clock speed shaves a month off that number...I think we're still good. It could shave a couple years for all I care
He did mention that they need to keep it within a certain heat 'envelope' so it works at its optimal temp. Pretty certain they wont have another RROD situation.
Sega changed gaming too. The Dreamcast was revolutionary and like most revolutionary ideas, wasn't recognised until it was too late.
They need to go the same way as Sega (which I am sad to say, loved the Dreamcast)
I missed this show so much, really hasn't lost anything when they replaced Drew. Love Collin & Ryan so much, Wayne is awesome too.