The argument I’ve seen is “that’s because unlike Obama supporters, Trump supporters HAVE JOBS.”
The argument I’ve seen is “that’s because unlike Obama supporters, Trump supporters HAVE JOBS.”
Alabama sucks at everything.
Want me to start taking so-called third parties seriously? Stop nominating loons like Stein and Johnson.
I just can’t imagine what those parents are going through right now. It’s stories like this that make me glad my finance and I broke up before we had kids. I know my mother wants grand kids and I want to be a father but I don’t think I want to bring a child into this world in the state it’s in. We need to patch the…
Your ruling queen Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter delivered yet another beast of a performance tonight at the Video…
Your point is rendered invalid because there is no The End? in that clip, and there would be a sequel if she was in hell.
It’s not offensive to make fun of a presidential candidate. But making fun of a female candidate for the pitch of her laugh and comparing her to a hyena is a gendered insult. I’m a smart woman who works at a university and I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard male colleagues impersonate me with a “dumb shrill…
I am endlessly amused by “a few bad apples” as some sort of defense for this shit. It’s like the utterors forget the rest of that phrase, and that the saying is a botanical fact. Bruised apples release a ripening agent (like banana skins do) that overripens the surrounding fruit, turning your entire bushel into…
If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.
One reason we get so annoyed about this is because we can follow all these dumb rules and still get raped. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped drunk. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped sober. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by strangers. I’ve got friends who’ve been raped by friends. People want to set up all these…
Yikes, guys! I feel like I stoked some pretty harsh commentary here. As much as I love to shit on overconfident men, let’s take a tiny step back, perhaps, and not blow up the bus, which is—sure—definitely a siren call to irresponsible/hubristic American hikers, but also a pretty significant monument to our own…
But at $2000 per night, who’s going to tell the guests to stop? People with money are often accustomed to doing what they want, no matter what the rules are.
right? I’ve been to Disney World 10 times over my life, it’s my families go to vacation place. my parents are huge Disney fans, and we spent a night getting drunk on the beach because there was chairs there and a fucking swing set. I just assumed they had teams that kept the gators out, maybe that was dumb of me but I…
Jesus Christ, people are dumb.
That doesn’t surprise me at all. If gators aren’t fed by humans, they will generally not go near humans. As soon as they start associating humans with food it’s game over.
Wheni was in high school we stayed at the Floridian and my friend and I rented a tiny sail boat on that lake. We capsized twice. It never dawned on me that Disney would allow that if there were Gators in the lake.. I’m from NH and assumed they could keep them out somehow. As a northerner I associared Gators with…