Punkin Skywalker

Ugh, the "I'm friends with her to get laid" trope is predatory and the fact that you can't see that means you should be dodged by all women.

She's on a little show called "Revenge." It's like your grandma's soap opera in a Prime Time format.

Um, that's not what she's saying. What she's saying is that there is a particular subset of people who believe they are entitled to sex because they are nice. These people don't just "make a move," these people hang around under false pretenses. They pretend to be a friend, uninterested in a sexual relationship, when

I know right! I often wear short skirts and sneakers AT THE SAME TIME!

OMG YOU MEAN EVERY MAN WHO IS OFFENDED BY THIS WILL AVOID ME? FUCK I'm writing one of these too!! I wish I had known sooner!!

A+ on the Taylor Swift. God that "short skirts/tee-shirts" song is fucking annoying. (This coming from the band geek; not a cheerleader).

Is it just me or does Douthat sound like a simile for "condescending idiot blowhard?"

My cousin had it while she was living in Brazil. She spent a lot of days in the hospital and lost 20 lbs in her first trimester. Granted, she had actually 20lbs on her to lose whereas I don't think Kate Middleton does, so I would say the doctors could be really worried about that.

I actually had a really wonderful conversation with a vet tech about the names the first time I took them to the vet. She was in the middle of reading the books and it was a really nice ice breaker.

Thanks! We were going to name Jon Snow "Tyrion," but he just didn't look like a Tyrion. His expression is all genuine and wide-eyed innocence and he does seem to need to be involved in every aspect of our day, and commenting on it, thinking he knows just a bit better than us, but in a nice way.

I have two cats. One of them acts like Cat (Sansa), the other like Dog (Jon Snow).

Ugh everything about his interaction with both his victims is just so entitled. He's entitled to get what he wants and unfortunately, the campus community is basically reinforcing his entitlement by flat out saying she's lying, because "who wouldn't want to do a basketball player?"

I would so agree with this in my own experience. While going through a break up of sorts (complicated situation, we were never really together but there was stringing along when I was in a very awful emotional state after the very untimely and unexpected deaths of 2 loved ones and all sorts of nonsense that finally

Birth control may be easier to get but there's also a lot more reason to use it. A lot of my friends and people I went to high school and college with are actively choosing not to have kids because they recognize they can't afford them.

Yes, but Facebook's privacy settings are designed to be difficult to restrict. They purposely have made them more difficult to understand, use, and change so you're more open, especially for casual users who haven't had the site since its inception.

At this point, she's been training and really well fed, so not a starving teenager at all.

I used to get these all the time in relationships and I always trusted my instincts and pulled the plug. I once hid behind some plants from a guy I was dating when I saw him in Walmart. I was single A LOT and dismissed some really great guys, but I also think they weren't really right for me.

No, she hadn't told me. I'm not (and wasn't) trying to be completely ungrateful, but seriously, if you're buying Bath and Body for someone who is supposed to be a close friend, you're doing it wrong (unless you're 12 and you've just discovered it).

Part of my rant was that they affected my asthma and then were essentially useless, piling up until I threw them away whenever I moved. Why would you give someone something they just told you affected their health and inconvenienced them? Also, she didn't have to get me anything at all...

Yep. Part of my rant was that I always had to throw out piles and piles of that shit every time I moved (which was frequent). I also have asthma so I can't burn that stuff even if I did like what I called "stupid smelly shit." I spent a good long time ranting about how I absolutely hated those gifts.