Punkin Skywalker

I was pretty shocked the first time I found out, but then realized that people need to make a living even if they're done with acting. I think it lets them be out of the public eye and probably is a bit less stressful than being a teen heartthrob. I can see the perks.

He's a producer for WWE

I think you might need to read a bit about Schrodinger's Rapist http://kateharding.net/2009/10/08/guest-blogger-starling-schrodinger%E2%80%99s-rapist-or-a-guy%E2%80%99s-guide-to-approaching-strange-women-without-being-maced/

If she slightly knows them from class or campus (depending on the size of the school), she might. Who says she doesn't know who they are or recognize them?

Ugh Tyra. You have skin. Get over it.

We have two more debates to go! I'm just hoping he's lying in wait and ready to strike at the next two....

Erin Gloria Ryan, I believe you are my political soul mate. Thank you for articulating all of my feels.

I'm so with you.

I also think Mitt kinda flopped on all of his previous stances. He went way center instead of way right the way he was in the primary. Now, maybe Obama and his team should have been more prepared for that, but I think that means he'll be much stronger in the second debate.

What I saw was Mittens beating up and not listening to my boy Jim Lehrer. I will always love you Jim! LEAVE JIM ALONE!

The paragraph organization in that Daily Mail article is all hella confusing with it's pronouns. Be careful Daily Mail, it almost sounds like Charlize Theron's mom tied up and suffocated the guy who lived at the house 20 years after she did.

No one is. A lot of those are just completely different photos, but of the same furniture and without the people.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

I am so glad I stopped working at the Assembly after my internship. It was awful.

Seriously. One of my really good friends married young and was a virgin prior to the big day. So was her awful and horrible BFF who married about 3 months before her and was the maid of honor. My friend couldn't even go to her BFF about not enjoying sex for the first few months and had to ask me (the college whore,

Giant Eagle, a grocery store.

Regional accents are crazy. The long flat a in a Western NY accent is killer. I dare you to google William Mattar and watch one of his ads.

Yeah, I'm doing a gluten-free, psuedo paleo thing now. At least there are good recipes for it so I get tasty food, but I can't really go to restaurants and my boyfriend's family already thinks I'm weird about food. Not eating anything they make should go over REALLY well.

I think we are the same person. I have exactly the same issues right now.

Doesn't it itch? Whenever I have makeup on and then work out and sweat like crazy, I itch like crazy so I always wash off before.