Punkin Skywalker

What's worse? Having people think you're a spoiled snob or having people smell your healthy food farts? Those farts are the WORST! I frequently dole them out, but I'm not as nice as Jessica and like to see disgusted face on my boyfriend. Is wonderfully funny.

What could Jessica Simpson be doing in the space of a few floors? Farting. She wasn't pulling an Anna Wintour, she was saving other people from her noxious fumes.

Betty White, will you be my Grandma?

I read the crappy books (I had to stay in the loop!). They were indeed very crappy and the idea that someone would grope a teenager because he plays a character in them is disgusting.

After reading some of the sexual harassment Lautner faces from fans (and their PARENTS), not unwarranted.

"Recounting the time a girl came to a signing with her mom and was traumatized that the woman who raised her was talking about her 'panties' with a teenage actor"

Basically, wrapping it and continuing to work in a kitchen with a large pizza oven causes the burn to continue to burn by trapping the heat. He also was just continuously using his wrapped burnt hand to pick up kitchen things.

Advanced healing bandaids. They are your friend.

Also, if you get a burn at work from picking up a hot bread pan from right out of the oven you thought might be cool because it was sitting in an ambiguous area, absolutely do not wrap it in gauze and then put an oven mitt off and finish the last 4 hours of your shift without telling the restaurant owners or anyone

There's a really good indie film out right now (It's film festival season in my city) that centers on a husband and wife in this kind of mindset, but the wife is barren. It's called Natural Selection. The husband won't have sex with her because it would "waste his seed," but she finds out when he has a stroke that

Isn't he 18?

Except he wasn't. He just interjected into the conversation I was having with his brother about training techniques and how much we run. He doesn't have a background in sports or sport medicine or training for anything so he was just being an asshat.

A guy commented on a blog post I wrote that I "deserved to be thrown in a burqa and beaten."

Well, it's not even mentioned in a post called "Where are all the Female Mentor characters?" Grey's Anatomy. That's where they're at, but the show gets absolutely no mention, so yeah, maybe it doesn't make up for it, but it should still get a mention in a post that says there are none.

Fair enough, I take back Glinda.


Grey's Anatomy anyone? I can't believe this is like the third time I've had to say that in the past week. We've got Teddy, Bailey, Arizona, Callie all mentoring everyone, boys and girls.

I'd say a lot of this is because kids don't understand that what they do is necessarily hurtful, or it could be "all in good fun." I don't say this as an excuse, but the fact that some kids might lack the necessary compassion/empathy/understanding to see how it could be really damaging to someone when they have their

I haven't seen it and I was actively looking for it. Maybe I missed it. I'll try searching again.