I'm guessing there was also a girl, but she's been hidden and squirreled away to some remote peaceful planet with no weapons.
I'm guessing there was also a girl, but she's been hidden and squirreled away to some remote peaceful planet with no weapons.
Hah, as someone who has biked in skirts, your lady bits are usually fine if you wear undies. The angle is such that your vagina isn't riding on the seat unless you're standing like she is. The inner thighs, on the other hand, can chaff around the seat depending on how it is shaped. That can actually burn like the…
He was just looking out for her welfare, ladies. Don't you know that biking in short skirts can cause chaffing near your lady-bits, which will make you far less attractive to men? She can't advertise that sexiness if she can't deliver once the skirt is off. That's just false advertising.
Wouldn't he have a better chance of bringing the issues to light as a straight white man who can reach other straight white men, who are the default, maybe making them see that GLBT issues are human issues? I mean, he doesn't necessarily have to mansplain, especially if his audience was other straight white men…
I questioned the use of the photo at all, considering all the violence against her and her family.
I totally understand.
I believe he addresses that with this: "Do you want to write a story about a half-Syrian, half-American lesbian blogger in Damascus during the Arab Spring crackdowns? Fine–write it. But write it as fiction. When you claim to be reporting on "the situation on the ground," you've entered into a contract with your…
Image upload fail : [boards.fightingamphibians.org]
Where were you when I was 16!
I heard about this on an episode of something. I think it was Law and Order: CI.
I'll buy that she was photographed without makeup as she was clearly posing for the beautifully detailed oil-portrait LV commissioned. Makeup was added on later.
From PubMed: "Menopause is the transition period in a woman's life when her ovaries stop producing eggs..."
Doesn't menopause have more to do with running out of eggs? What does the age of the uterus have to do with it?
Since a testicle actually produces genetic material, then it might be weirder. I don't think she's getting her mom's ovaries, just what will house the fetus.
I wish it was just old people and Mormons. I know some college Republicans who are vehemently against it. I think we can just say it's just old people and Morons instead.
Sometimes, I wake up still drunk and my solution is to run the alcohol out of my pores. Running outside is a bad way to do this. You fall over or end up going very slow and not sweating enough.
I've fallen in the shower. Combination of hangover, trying to cure hangover with 2 Aleve and a 3 mile run, and then showering. Aleve makes me woozy on its own, which I didn't realize until way after this incident since I usually take Aleve and lie down. I took the shower door down with me and my roommate at the time…
My dad makes the BEST macaroni and cheese and taught my mom how to make it. My parents have settled into a rhythm where they both cook. He grows veggies and whatnot in the garden. When he works late in the summers, she cooks. In the winters, when he's home most of the time, he cooks. Dads can make good food choices. I…