Punkin Skywalker

Once, a straight guy friend of mine, who is very friendly and the only smoker out of the friend group, was outside the bar conversing with a heavily tattooed biker gentleman. A few minutes into the conversation, straight guy friend realized heavily tattooed biker gentleman was very interested in him. When asked for

Who doesn't love a bridal party infiltrated by bigotry? Oh right, NO ONE.

Oh yes. I was a bridesmaid my senior year in college and the MOH was married to a contracter with money. She wanted buy a decorated cake plate, at about 40 dollars per plate to use as center pieces for the shower that we could then give the bride. There were three of us paying for this. I just about flipped.

How about, "Don't insinuate one of the other bridesmaids is a demonwhore from hell every chance you get because she went to a public high school and then off to college and doesn't share your evangelical beliefs AND you're insecure because she's been friends with the bride since infancy."

This was several years ago and I don't even remember where I got it...

Except the Vatican has an overreaching, centralized power over an entire religious system. There is no complete governing bodies over all sororities and fraternities. That would be like saying the Vatican controls all religion, when clearly there are many religious separate from Catholicism. Not all religions have a

The thing about fraternities though, is that although these offenders will be gone, they will recruit new members just like them and perpetuate the disgusting mentality. They might even play the victim and complain about how feminists/women/administrators just don't get the joke.

I bawled like a baby during "body" and yes, I really wanted the Band of Horses.

I once had an orgasm while sitting perfectly still in a chair because I was stoned. It was some good weed.

They even gave the bitchy nemesis character development and made her multi-dimensional. Such a great show.

If my grandma were alive, she'd be all over this. No joke.

Good lord that woman is gorgeous. More movies with Melissa McCarthy who was fantastic in Gilmore Girls. Sookie is one of my most favorite characters ever and not once was there a joke about her weight, she got a husband and family and career as a chef, even if the Gilmores could eat their body weight in chocolate and

I'm not just talking about the effect on the accused, but the effect on every other person who comes forward with an accusation of rape. The people who falsely accuse someone become justifications for people to say "women will willy nilly accuse men of rape so we can't trust accusations." They ruin the credibility for

This definitely explains how I went to bed at 9:30 on a Saturday night and didn't feel rested until 10 the next morning. I should start going to bed at 9:30 every night if I'm getting up at 5:30 (I like to avoid rush hour by going to the gym near work to swim and then get ready there).. not that it's going to happen.

There's a few explanations:

She'd probably be really good at translating old English, like the kind I used to have to for some history classes in order to understand sources. I'm not even kidding.

Seriously. There's no question of emotional damage on that. If a woman can sue for defamation without having to prove damages for "impugning her chastity," then this is a no-brainer.

Sometimes I think false accusers are worse than perpetrators. They make it worse for everyone who is a victim of sexual abuse and provide an example for rape apologists to point to and say that false accusations are a common occurrence. They are little psychopaths manipulating everyone else because they know how wrong

Boobs and inner thigh, right before you'd get to the obvious area. My skin is really soft and sensitive right where my thighs touch.

My nipples are like 2nd and 3rd clitorii. Seriously, I can finish just from some good nipple play.