“If you come at the (Lilly)King
“If you come at the (Lilly)King
Julian is actually 89 years old and this just became a lot less cute!!!
Yeah, I remember Michael Phelps’ coach getting all the credit for his medals. Oh, wait...
She’s on match game? I’m totally checking if it’s on youtube.
Nailed it. It amazes me that so many people reduce “being gay” down to anal sex. Like gay people aren’t in relationships as their heterosexual counterparts: love and all the highs and lows that come with it, creating memories or planning their future, jobs, cooking, cleaning, the mundane and also the thrilling. Nope,…
Yeah, lesbo mom here. I’ve never had an issue explaining to my 2 year old daughter’s friends why she has two moms when they ask. Something like “lots of families are different- sometimes there’s a mom and a dad, or just a mom, or just a dad, or grandparents or two moms or two dads.” And that’s fine for the 2 - 4 year…
Honestly, it’s not that difficult. Whenever my sons (9 and 5) mention getting married someday we always say that we hope they marry a boy or girl they love and respect and who loves and respects him. Even my 5 year old understands that sometimes boys marry girls, girls marry girls and boys marry boys. When he asked…
Seriously. It’s not that difficult. When my son was 4 he asked why his friend had two daddies, and I said “sometimes kids have two dads, two moms, a mom and dad, just a mom, just a dad, or even live with another relative.” He was like “OK. Can I have my snack now?” All kids care about are snacks, FFS.
Because children aren’t asking how people have sex.
Just the other month my 7 year old was like “Is there anything that’s legal now that used to be illegal?” and I said “oh yeah, sure. Lots of things” and he wanted to know. So I was like “Well, women used to not be allowed to vote and now we can. Alcohol was legal, then it was illegal for a while and now it’s legal…
That was my reading of his problem, too. Like, Nick, damn man. You don’t need to explain anal sex to your 5-year-old to talk about gay men. That’s not the conversation you are having.
Old Man Yells at Chair
Obvious comment is obvious.
Becoming a House DJ is the new version of spending a summer backpacking in Europe. It’s annoying, and I hate you, but whatever you are a teen and nothing you say or do matters. Shine on Ansel you dumb crazy diamond.
The UNBORN women. Not the born women. Remember, pro-lifers are concerned with ‘life,’ not the living.
I always have to laugh at the type of response that amounts to “x group are crybabies that can’t handle shit” and meanwhile can’t see how ridiculous it is that they are so upset and aggrieved over the issue/ change themselves. So, you are a little crybaby bitch, too, right? Like if the name is such an unimportant,…
Just curious though, why should she want to show the “flaws” though in a world where people are so willing to tear her down at just the vague perception of a possible flaw. . Why should she be easy for you to relate to? Or more importantly how can she be? Do all your dating mistakes end up world wide news & talked…
Yep, hence why I say “it’s not one of Blunt’s (many) classic lines, but....”! ;p
The scene where Miranda is as unglued as you ever see her takes place in her hotel room in Paris- not her home. Can you tell how often I've watched this on TBS?
I 100% am in love with this movie. I might watch it again tonight. To celebrate. Because it deserves celebrating.