“Why is it okay for black people to have afros but not white people? Why is there BET but WET would be considered racist? Why is there black history month but no white history month? Why can they say the N-word but we can’t?”
“Why is it okay for black people to have afros but not white people? Why is there BET but WET would be considered racist? Why is there black history month but no white history month? Why can they say the N-word but we can’t?”
This is a perfect example of how valuable and lucrative the YouTube community it. Whenever I read stories about publishers or game devs fighting to stop YouTube LP’ers I'm just baffled. It's free advertising!!! This guys unknown game is now known by Pewdies 38 million subscribers and was then greenlit on Steam, and…
My sister has dubbed him Wild Six Pack Abs
Your last point hits it.
Castle of Cagliostro will always be Miyazaki’s best work, in my opinion~
Ruben is gunna be dangerous for me if it actually ends up being good.
Stoked on gyro and reuben flavour. If they’re anything close to the original, I’ll love them. I’ve never had the middle two so I’ll reserve judgment, but they sound alright.
Scotsworth, so long as coontown exists I hope you’ll excuse us our disdain. Reddit embraces racism and misogyny by choice. Spare us the numbers.
Who cares, while some subreddits are pretty awesome, reddit as a whole sucks
According to former Attorney General Eric Holder, Edward Snowden and the Justice Department might strike a deal that…
But I’d have to click the link to be saved a click.
For that, I recommend adding tuna and a soft-boiled egg to your miso soup.
My latest iPad purchase seemed pretty dubious—$2.99 based on a couple of strange screenshots and an app icon…
Reddit, a popular site for creepers and fans of upskirt shots, is in the midst of a turmoil of its own making. On…
I’m immediately sad I didn’t make a Kitchenette themed one. DOING IT ANYWAY.
The hottest new thing in Moniga del Garda is La Scaletta. It has everything. Customers who shouldn’t have eaten that, people who follow the servers around and tell them how to do it better, everyone also works at Olive Garden but they all…
And a damn good one too.
This would also have worked.
I find this gif confusing within this context
Indeed, noted joke person David Cross told IGN this week that Bungie flew him and fellow comedian Brian Posehn to Bellevue to apply some life to Ghost, the little floating robot voiced notoriously badly by Peter Dinklage.
Destiny has been accused of many things, but “having personality” is probably not one of them.