Kathrine Kane

Damn right! Lizard wizarding should be adopted world-wide.

Kudos for the Tenacious D ref. Mind bullets

You had me at “lizard wizard”.

*removes Steel Battalion

Sure, I’ll just pull out my copy of Daredevil #1 from 1963. Who doesn’t have a copy of Daredevil #1 from 1963?

Couldn’t be any worse than “Unfriended”.

And I highly doubt that Jay-Z’s model is going to be much better, unless you are Madonna and actually have a say in the contract that you negotiate with your label. The “artist-owned” thing is a nice term, but there is no way that is happening. “Major label-owned” would be a better name.

I am interested in this film, it does sound like a modern fairy tale. If a story is told enough time people believe it and now daddy long legs are the most poisonous animal in the UK, but only if you eat them.

Interesting nod to the fact that Darth Vader was already the father to three of Star Wars main characters: Luke, Leia, and C-3P0.

Consider the president saved.

Moments like this is why I'm glad Nintendo takes risks. They fail hard sometimes, but at least there's something to learn from it all. I get that money and popularity are the main measurements of success in the console business, but I'd like to think it's the more abstract things that really define a console's legacy.

Wow. You are a bad enough dude.

you are SO ahead of the curve.

I don't normally troll, but the few times I have, it's been in World of Warcraft.

Anyone who reads Marvel or DC with the mindset their they are emotionally invested in the characters and are building a coherent history with their favorite superheroes, is a chump. Continuity is a complete and utter joke to the two big players in the industry. They care about continuity only so far as your loyalty

Now playing

If she isn't violent then she's not a yandere.