Kathrine Kane

That's a way to put a positive spin on things.

So interesting how this list shows every kind of college where this is a problem - we get everything from your community colleges to your PAC-10 to your "fancy-schmancy" Ivy leagues and everything in between. If anything, I think this list goes to reinforce the fact that rape is a problem in every segment and

I'm actually glad to see my alma mater on here. Maybe this will force them to get their damn act together!

I am surprised not to see Mizzou on the list since they have admitted screwing up just this year. But you know they are totes fixing the problem so it won't be an issue, I'm sure.

Wow. A lot of top tier universities on that list. I know it's naive of me, but part of me always expected that places with such high academic standards would also have high standards for personal conduct.

OH, good, I have two alma maters on that list.

That feels a little... wrong. Like wearing a shirt made out of human skin.


I just can't..

agree. I gotta watch this again

"I almost had him" one of the best ep ever, specially Croc telling his story, "Once.... I threw a rock at him".... priceless

Favorite pic of them all.

So true. I used to program on a TI 83, which does not allow for comments (and only allows one letter variable names) so if I didn't keep paper notes and I left a program for a while, it was practically impossible to pick back up.

The code itself may suck, but what separates truly bad code from inefficient code is lack of documentation and comments. I can't tell you how many times I've looked at source for a project and had so many WTFs simply because someone failed to put in even a two word comment.

One of my favorite quotes goes "One of my

Pokemon TRACE!

First reaction: Kind of sad that they mention "wives, sisters, daughters" and omitted assault on males entirely in the video. Can't you just use gender-neutral terminology for the sake of being all-inclusive?

Luke, Leia, Han, Chewy! They're all here!

"Psst, Harrison, look behind you but don't make a big deal out of it. I think the robot is watching us."