Kathrine Kane

Reminds me of the play-by-post roleplay we used to do as kids on the Gamfaqs forums back in the vwry later 90s ans early 2000s.

The guy with 352+ hours is doing the Lord's Work.

I love how you have a Gizmodo article linked to this that uses that very pink goop image claiming it to be true.

I always thought that these should be small group, more expensive, immerse experiences. Still, it looks utterly fantastic.

Even calling something an internet meme is superfluous. Memes by definition always require context so to identify them is just annoying to me. Like chai tea. Chai means tea. People keep ordering Tea Tea. Meme as a word precludes all prefix in the context with which you use the word. If you already know what the word

I'm a little annoyeded at how she's dressed. It's the same annoyance I had for Snow and all his Zippers.

For future reference you can just say meme. You never need to specify.

I agree. Cosmetic DLC is just whatever. They want to make money and it's not like the above par by a mile game is less of abgame in any way without it. And wait long enough, and they will do an outfit pass like always making them cheaper.

Here in Canada they cover the gas (at least they do locally) and our minimum wage is higher. So it isn't as bad here. I assume the delivery fee here is to put. DEnt in gas payouts.

Game of Thrones uses sex as much as a crime as anything else. They use it more so that the audience can establish relevence to the sex later. Or they open episodes with it so they can start happy and end dreadfully. Sex on GoT is highly thematic even from scene to scene.

I should also not as both a homosexual and a woman you said 100% nothing objectifying about that women. It was very, very, very obvious you would have found the situation arousing. And *not* because she was injured but because of how she handled it. It was very clear and I applaud your openness with your sexual

Exactly! It's a mixture of those bad ass things. I'm purely into women, so I may be biased but hearing about a man doing all that and I too would have been right next to you, maybe re-calibrating my sexual preferences. Often I joke that my sexual preferences are specific situations or specific people

Most of those responses seem off. She was more or less accusing whites of showering 2+ times per day which she thought was crazy. Still pretty stupid though.

If I had a penis I would have been too. Heck I was a little while reading and I don't have one at all.

No. Not poor people. Those stupid, stupid people. Zero pity for people who submit themselves to that tripe in the name of consumerism at home or abroad. I've never waiting in a line like that for anything unless it was indoors and comfortable.



No Abe's Odessy, where the plot is a sentient race is being used make soda? It's slurm and soylent green except everyone knew what was in it.