Kathrine Kane

ISPs (at least here in Canada) do not strictly monitor service, but machine with a black list of words combs over search results, torrent info, etc. Unless that is, you take clear measurements to mask that info (not a crime, as the same software is used in banking apps and other really common tech). End user

lol blood transfusions

Man, I was trying to drip sarcasm with the lawls instead of lol. I play on everything, mid range gaming laptop, Xbone, PS3, DS and a Wii. Fuck people who fuck with the PSN and Xbox Live.

lawls PC master race.

The new Moon Knight hands down was my favorite title.

Titanfall was a great suprise for me. Sure it's support was Flash-in-the-pan greatness, but it set a high bar for shooters. I can't wait to see what these guys do next.

That is some fine shade.

Even though I don't watch his videos he always impresses me as person.

I'm suprised the Sony-Only destiny content didn't make the list. :/

At this point I am only suprised TellTale doesn't have a full on Japanese style dating SIM under their belt.

If they made it an annual event I'd love it

I find it troubling to give Kim credit because all she ever did was invest heavily in making men want her. She just drew the male gaze to women with a very specific subset of plus size and made them sexy to men. SHe didn't do a damn thing to make women really appreciate themselves.

Maybe you should though. If you can afford to. These guys clearly need money and sales will help them make new games

It's about you paying (and still less most often) fair market value for a product and not abusing the poorer regions of the world and taking advantage of their weaker currency. It's not price squeezing.

Thanks, I forgot that bit. :D

As a person who has put closing in on 1.5 thousand hours into the Suikoden series, I have a few tips that should be added;

Yeah bids inside the first few hours had reached near insane proportions so I converted enough to get the badge and gave up. Trying to bid against stuff in the hundred thousands day on was exhausting.

This is a little different from breaking a neighbors window in cost and scope. Also on culpability. You'd have to prove compliance or negligence cause this isn't kiddy stuff. These are felonies. I would be unsurprised if he isn't tried as an adult due to it being an international set of incidents.

They won't recoup anything from a 17 year old.