Kathrine Kane

I felt that there was a copout with the female character thing, like he was afraid to admit the very true and logical leap that playable female avatars will appeal to female gamers. It's a fantasy connection, the more like the avatar the better. I think everyone agrees that it's okay for Link to be male. Maybe it's

I guess it's a resounding meh from me. I mean, it's not like Monster Hunter was the first of it's kind, nor should it have some kind of monopoly on it's style of game. Good games will be good and bad games will be bad regardless of how they stack up to other brands.

i feel like this is retro portable. Fallout 1/2, Monkey Island, Broken Sword, Blade Runner, Grim Fandango and all kinds of awesome older titles would work really well here.

Smash bundle or an open world Zelda bundle would be amazing.

I think it's dead and this is a moment of clarity where he's looking for something new to stab

Or any other male/female/andro/trans/anything at this point.

I think as a character Link will identify any way he or she chooses. This seems like a penis/vagina witch hunt to me.

Such BS. They don't have time to animate a needless ass wiggle so female gamers now we loose out on emersion. This would hold weight if they hadn't already done it before and if Assassins were in really a pile of chatty kathies.

Ugh. We have seen or heard of almost 80% of Sony's conference and in addition we've already seen gameplay to most of this. Vita TV is a strong release and one NA has been clamoring for. Otherwise I'm underwhelmed by everyone this year. I will say I was impressed with Xboxs indie stuff and Grim Fandango though.

The value in the edition is staggering for those of us who haven't got all the games already. I'm a little sad Reach and ODST got the shaft but hopefully remakes are on the table, or a DLC Firefight/Maps add on with the new UI.

I read Jezebel, iO9 and Kotaku. I don't read any of the others so I like that sometimes there is overlap.

You get that the Gawker blogs are in fact blogs right? Non news and opinion pieces are going to be here too.

They weren't Axis or Allied soldiers in that war. That's all I meant by i

Wrong world war, that Christmas story was in World War I.

In a single article you have pretty much hit on everything wrong in the triple A game development cycle, wrong with gaming in general really and in addition, highlighted how E3 delivers you a high like an addictive amphetamine while giving you nothing of substance. You're even willing to let go of being out right lied

I have met white army guys who stand 5'5. They exist man. Feels good to have shorter men represented in mass media.

Is it free for just today or for good?

I've always felt that they do that with their young female leads to make them accessible. Unlike other anime which strives to make a lead unique for marketing or toys, etc; Ghibli makes them simple (though just unique enough to have them stand apart) to make it easier to step into their shoes and feel the wonder of

Is it odd that I prefer Twitch barely functional at it's worst and frustrating at best to a wall of "content not available due to region/copyright" boxes?

It was a lot less sex furry mocking then this blog makes it out to be.